


As we compare a merchandising business to a service business, the financial statement that changes the most is the balance sheet.

On Jul 31, 2024



What is task identity?

A) It is the opportunity to do a variety of job activities using various skills and talents.
B) It is the impact that a job has on other people.
C) It is the extent to which an individual identifies psychologically with his/her job.
D) It is the extent to which a job involves doing a complete piece of work, from beginning to end.
E) It is the extent to which an individual can identify the core tasks of a job.

On Jul 28, 2024



Nolan worked as delivery person for the Super Soap Suds Company.In this capacity,he would frequently collect money from customers for Super Soap Suds.One week,he carelessly allowed his son to deposit the money on his behalf.His son deposited the money in Nolan's personal account.When Nolan tried to retrieve the money,he did not know how much belonged to Super Soap Suds.What legal remedy does Super Soap Suds have against Nolan? Explain.

On Jul 01, 2024

Soap Suds can recover the money held by Nolan to which they are entitled as well as a breach of fiduciary duty suit against Nolan for commingling company funds with his own personal funds.


Group member roles that reduce group success are

A) ego tripper, negative artist.
B) above-it-all person, aggressor.
C) jokester, avoider.
D) all of these.
E) none of these.

On Jun 28, 2024



An instrument "payable on demand" is one that ________.

A) states that it is payable on demand or at sight,or otherwise indicates that it is payable at the will of the holder
B) does not state any time of payment
C) is payable within ten days after presentment
D) states that it is payable on demand or at sight,or otherwise indicates that it is payable at the will of the holder; or does not state any time of payment
E) states that it is payable on demand or at sight,or otherwise indicates that it is payable at the will of the holder; does not state any time of payment; or is payable within ten days after presentment

On Jun 01, 2024



For a unilateral mistake to make a contract voidable,either (1)the nonmistaken party must have caused or had reason to know of the mistake or (2)enforcement of the contract must be unconscionable.

On May 29, 2024



The following income item is not taxable:

A) Jury duty.
B) Sick Pay.
C) Child support.
D) Alimony.

On May 01, 2024



Arthur contracts to sell Ben his house for $100,000.Later the parties modify the contract by changing the price to $110,000.All other terms remain the same.Why is there no consideration for the second agreement? State two ways in which the parties can circumvent this problem.

On Apr 29, 2024

There is no consideration because Arthur is not giving Ben any legal value for Ben's promise to pay Arthur $110,000.Instead,Arthur is merely promising to perform a preexisting contractual obligation.One way to avoid this problem is for the parties to mutually agree to terminate the first contract before making the new contract.The second is for Arthur to promise to give Ben something additional,however slight,in the second contract.Since the law does not inquire into the adequacy of consideration,this something additional (however slight)will be legal value.