


A nurse is preparing to administer an antibiotic medication at 1000 to a patient but gets busy in another room. When should the nurse give the antibiotic medication?

A) By 1030
B) By 1100
C) By 1130
D) By 1200

On Sep 29, 2024



A female patient comes to the clinic after missing one menstrual period. She lives in a house beneath electrical power lines which is located near an oil field. She drinks two caffeinated beverages a day, is a daily beer drinker, and has not stopped eating sweets. She takes a multivitamin and exercises daily. She denies drug use. Which finding in the history has the greatest implication for this patient's plan of care?

A) Electrical power lines are a potential hazard to the woman and her fetus.
B) Living near an oil field may mean the water supply is polluted.
C) Alcohol exposure should be avoided during pregnancy due to teratogenicity.
D) Eating sweets may cause gestational diabetes or miscarriage.

On Sep 28, 2024



An 11-year-old child says, "My parents don't like me. They call me stupid and say I never do anything right, but it doesn't matter. I'm too dumb to learn." Which nursing diagnosis applies to this child?

A) Chronic low self-esteem, related to negative feedback from parents
B) Deficient knowledge, related to interpersonal skills with parents
C) Disturbed personal identity, related to negative self-evaluation
D) Complicated grieving, related to poor academic performance

On Sep 24, 2024



The family of a patient whose insurance will not pay for continuing hospitalization considers transferring the patient to a public psychiatric hospital. The family expresses concern that the patient will "never get any treatment." Which reply by the nurse would be most helpful?

A) "Under the law, treatment must be provided. Hospitalization without treatment violates patients' rights."
B) "That's a justifiable concern because the right to treatment extends only to the provision of food, shelter, and safety."
C) "Much will depend on other patients, because the right to treatment for a psychotic patient takes precedence over the right to treatment of a patient who is stable."
D) "All patients in public hospitals have the right to choose both a primary therapist and a primary nurse."

On Sep 22, 2024