


A well written response to a request for information or action will do what for the writer?

A) Positively influence the reader's perception of the writer and the organization
B) Negatively influence the reader's perception of the writer and the organization
C) Allow the writer to explain the benefits of working with their firm
D) Encourage customer satisfaction
E) Reinforce the organizations commitment to excellence

On Sep 27, 2024



Discuss four planning tasks when preparing for meetings.

On Sep 23, 2024

First,define your purpose.Meetings can focus on exchanging information,reaching decisions,or collaborating to solve problems or identify opportunities.Whatever your purpose,define the best possible result of the meeting (such as "we carefully evaluated all three product ideas and decided which one to invest in").Use this hoped-for result to shape the direction and content of the meeting.
Second,select participants for the meeting.The rule here is simple: Invite everyone who really needs to be involved,and don't invite anyone who doesn't.For decision-making meetings,for example,invite only those people who are in a direct position to help the meeting reach its objective.The more people you have,the longer it will take to reach consensus.Meetings with more than 10 or 12 people can become unmanageable if everyone is expected to participate in the discussion and decision making.
Third,choose the venue and the time.Online meetings are often the best way and sometimes the only way to connect people in multiple locations or to reach large audiences.For in-person meetings,review the facility and the seating arrangements.Is theater-style seating suitable,or do you need a conference table or some other layout? Pay attention to room temperature,lighting,ventilation,acoustics,and refreshments; these details can make or break a meeting.If you have control over the timing,morning meetings are often more productive because people are generally more alert and not yet engaged with the work of the day.
Fourth,set the agenda.The success of a meeting depends on the preparation of the participants.Distribute a carefully written agenda to participants,giving them enough time to prepare as needed (see Figure 2.4 in the text).A productive agenda answers three key questions: (1)What do we need to do in this meeting to accomplish our goals? (2)What issues will be of greatest importance to all participants? (3)What information must be available in order to discuss these issues?