Edward Captain-Larry




Under the UCC,an acceptance sent by unreasonable means:

A) would be effective on dispatch as long as it is actually received by the offeror.
B) cannot form a contract.
C) would be effective on dispatch if it is received within the time that an acceptance by a reasonable means would normally have arrived.
D) would be effective on receipt only.

On Jul 28, 2024



Integrative negotiation occurs on the axis between

A) avoiding and accommodating.
B) avoiding and competing.
C) avoiding and compromise.
D) avoiding and collaborating.
E) competition and accommodating.

On Jul 24, 2024



At times Pepsi and Coke have been accused of causing psychological dependence due to the levels of caffeine in their colas. This dependence is known as:

A) psychological marketing.
B) consumer addiction.
C) social marketing.
D) brand loyalty.

On Jun 27, 2024



Which of the following is true concerning interest rates on bonds?

A) Because of the tax advantage, municipal bonds pay higher interest rate than other bonds.High default risk makes the interest rate on a bond higher than otherwise.
B) Because of the tax advantage, municipal bonds pay higher interest rate than other bonds.High default risk makes the interest rate on a bond lower than otherwise.
C) Because of the tax advantage, municipal bonds pay lower interest rate than other bonds.High default risk makes the interest rate on a bond higher than otherwise.
D) Because of the tax advantage, municipal bonds pay lower interest rate than other bonds.High default risk makes the interest rate on a bond lower than otherwise.

On Jun 24, 2024



Refer to Figure 6-18. If the government set a price ceiling at $15, would there be a shortage or surplus, and how large would be the shortage/surplus?

On May 28, 2024

A price ceiling set at $15 would not be binding, so there would be neither a shortage nor a surplus.


Keynes believed

A) everything produced in an economy is purchased.
B) the interest rate was more important than the expected rate of profit in determining the level of investment in an economy.
C) our economy always tends toward full employment.
D) aggregate supply was more important than aggregate demand in the short run.
E) None of the choices were believed by Keynes.

On May 25, 2024