


Which of the following statements about the Rodney King case is LEAST accurate?

A) King was videotaped being viciously beaten by white police officers after a high-speed chase.
B) The police officers were acquitted of charges of brutality by a jury which contained eleven whites and no blacks.
C) In a subsequent trial,two of King's assailants were found guilty of violating his civil rights.
D) Despite a few reports of minor property damage,the response of Los Angeles's black community to the episode was notable for its calm restraint.

On Sep 30, 2024



Why did allied governments do little to publicize the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of Jews?

A) They planned to get justice after the war and thought it would be easier if there were less media attention.
B) Newspapers and radios were shut down during the war.
C) They wanted to wait for more evidence before doing anything.
D) They thought calls to aid Jews directly might distract from the war effort.
E) The media remained independent during the war,so there was little the governments could do.

On Sep 26, 2024



Besides dealing with the British controls, what other inter-colonial issues faced the colonist?

On Sep 23, 2024

conflicts over land rights, colonial support against the Indians, farmers' concerns over legal judgments