


According to the cognitive approach to depression, processing information through the negative schema causes people to

A) attend to negative information.
B) interpret ambiguous information in a depressing way.
C) ignore positive information.
D) all of these are correct.

On Jul 19, 2024



According to your textbook, the best way for married couples to avoid troublesome battles over money is probably to

A) engage in constructive communication regarding financial matters.
B) avoid discussions related to money.
C) assign responsibility for major financial decisions to one person exclusively.
D) consult on a regular basis with a financial planner.

On Jul 16, 2024



How is androgyny related to adjustment and self-esteem in adulthood?

On Jun 19, 2024

Middle-aged women who may be newly independent after experiencing divorce, death of a partner, or the end of childrearing may enter the workplace, seek advancement in current careers, or enroll in college. Successfully meeting these new challenges requires self-reliance, assertiveness, and confidence. Men, on the other hand, may become more sensitive and self-reflective as they complete generative tasks of mentoring and caring for the next generation. A great deal of research has shown that androgyny predicts positive adjustment and is associated with high self-esteem, advanced moral reasoning, psychosocial maturity, and life satisfaction in later years. Men and women with androgynous gender roles have a greater repertoire of skills, both instrumental and expressive, which permits them to adapt to a variety of situations with greater ease than do those who adopt either a masculine or feminine gender role.


The ________ theories of alcohol abuse have focused on people's expectations of alcohol's effects and their beliefs about the appropriateness of using it to cope with stress.

A) sociocultural
B) genetic
C) cognitive
D) social learning

On Jun 16, 2024



Jennifer was taken to the hospital by her friends late Saturday night. She complained that she felt weak and nauseous, and when she was examined by the physician, her heartbeat was found to be irregular, her blood pressure was high, and her pupils were dilated. Apparently, she had "taken something" at a party, but her friends didn't know what it was. It appears that she had taken

B) sedatives.
C) benzodiazepines.
D) amphetamines.
E) barbiturates.

On May 20, 2024



The central goal of parent training programs for ODD / CD is

A) to address the coercive process that promotes conduct problems.
B) to teach parents the skills to model effective peer social interaction.
C) to increase parental monitoring of their children's whereabouts.
D) to teach effective reinforcement for self-control behaviours.
E) to assist parents in establishing consistent discipline.

On May 17, 2024