


In an experiment by Lepper,Greene,and Nisbett (1973) ,children drew pictures with markers.Some were given an expected award after they drew their pictures,some were given an unexpected award after they drew their pictures,and some received no award.In follow-up sessions 1 to 2 weeks later,which group(s) spent the lowest amount of time drawing pictures?

A) those who got the expected award
B) those who got the unexpected award
C) those who got no award
D) all groups spent an equal amount of time drawing pictures

On Sep 27, 2024



Joe's entire neighborhood was hit by a forest fire last year. While nearly all of the houses in the neighborhood were burnt to the ground, Joe's house was miraculously spared and left fully intact. If Joe was like most people, he would nonetheless feel bad that his house withstood the fire while other people's houses did not. That is, he would be feeling a form of ____.

A) schadenfreude
B) survivor guilt
C) shame
D) catharsis

On Sep 23, 2024