


In which of the following situations can a buyer revoke acceptance of nonconforming goods?

A) The buyer accepted them with knowledge of the nonconformity,because they were the only option available in the market.
B) The buyer accepted the goods because of the seller's assurances that it would cure the defect.
C) The price of the goods fell in the general market.
D) The buyer accepted the nonconforming goods because the seller could not cure the defect.

On Jul 23, 2024



Statement I: The federal budget deficit is the same thing as the national debt.
Statement II: The national debt will continue to rise even if the federal budget deficit is lowered.

A) Statement I is true and statement II is false.
B) Statement II is true and statement I is false.
C) Both statements are true.
D) Both statements are false.

On Jun 29, 2024



The chairperson of the English Department at Local Community College needs to know how many students are enrolled in business communication for a memo she is writing. So she calls up the data on her computer screen.What part of the writing process does this activity represent?

A) Editing
B) Gathering
C) Clustering
D) Revising

On Jun 19, 2024



Which of the following assumptions implies that a business can continue to remain in operation into the foreseeable future?

A) Historical cost principle.
B) Monetary unit assumption.
C) Continuity assumption.
D) Separate-entity assumption.

On Jun 14, 2024



Which of the following is not descriptive of the law?

A) It is always prohibitory.
B) It is pervasive.
C) It may be permissive.
D) It is regulatory.

On May 20, 2024



Several trends in society make the development of human relations competency critically important to employees.Identify five of the six trends,and explain each.

On May 17, 2024

1. Globalization: With the increasing interconnectedness of the world, employees are more likely to work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Developing human relations competency is important to effectively communicate and collaborate with colleagues from different cultures.

2. Technology: The rise of technology has changed the way people communicate and interact in the workplace. Employees need to be proficient in using various communication tools and platforms, as well as navigating the digital landscape to build and maintain relationships with colleagues and clients.

3. Remote work: The shift towards remote work has made it essential for employees to have strong human relations skills to build and maintain relationships with colleagues and clients who may be located in different geographic locations.

4. Diversity and inclusion: There is a growing emphasis on creating diverse and inclusive work environments. Employees need to be able to navigate and thrive in diverse teams, and human relations competency is crucial for fostering a sense of belonging and understanding among colleagues from different backgrounds.

5. Changing demographics: The workforce is becoming increasingly diverse in terms of age, gender, and ethnicity. Employees need to be able to relate to and collaborate with colleagues from different demographic backgrounds, making human relations competency a critical skill for success in the modern workplace.


Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A) Power activates individuals,increasing their drive,energy,and motivation.
B) Powerful individuals tend to be proactive,rather than reactive.
C) Individuals with power seek out rewards and tend to notice when they are available.
D) Power can be primed by subtle situational cues.
E) Those with power tend to respond more compassionately to others' problems.

On May 13, 2024