Francis Lloyd Tongson




Which of the following is not controlled by consumer protection legislation?

A) False advertising
B) The investigation of complaints
C) Unconscionable transactions
D) Business transactions
E) Unequal bargaining power that is abusive

On Jul 17, 2024



Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a reason for high team performance?

A) high collective efficacy for team members
B) diverse mental models for team members
C) collective identification of members with the team
D) high level of member skills relevant to the task

On Jul 15, 2024



A company's payroll information for the month of May follows:
On May 31 the company issued Check No. 335 payable to the Payroll Bank Account to pay for the May payroll. It issued payroll checks to the employees after depositing the check.
(1) Prepare the journal entry to record (accrue) the employer's payroll for May. (2) Prepare the journal entry to record payment of the May payroll. The federal and state unemployment tax rates are 0.8% and 5.4%, respectively, on the first $7,000 paid to each employee. The wages and salaries subject to these taxes were $6,000. (3) Prepare the journal entry to record the employer's payroll taxes.
A company's payroll information for the month of May follows: On May 31 the company issued Check No. 335 payable to the Payroll Bank Account to pay for the May payroll. It issued payroll checks to the employees after depositing the check. (1) Prepare the journal entry to record (accrue) the employer's payroll for May. (2) Prepare the journal entry to record payment of the May payroll. The federal and state unemployment tax rates are 0.8% and 5.4%, respectively, on the first $7,000 paid to each employee. The wages and salaries subject to these taxes were $6,000. (3) Prepare the journal entry to record the employer's payroll taxes.

On Jun 16, 2024



As a compositional mode for digital communication, ________ intentionally withhold key pieces of information as a way to pull readers or listeners into a story or other document.

A) orientations
B) summaries
C) teasers
D) reference materials

On Jun 15, 2024



A wise person once said there are two kinds of leaders: "Those that get it done,and those that make us happy." Integrate that wisdom with the task-relationship model of leadership.

On May 17, 2024

The task-relationship model of leadership focuses on the balance between achieving goals and maintaining positive relationships with team members. In light of the quote, "Those that get it done, and those that make us happy," we can see how this aligns with the task-relationship model.

Leaders who "get it done" are focused on achieving tasks and goals. They are task-oriented leaders who prioritize productivity and efficiency. On the other hand, leaders who "make us happy" are relationship-oriented leaders who prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of their team members.

Integrating this wisdom with the task-relationship model, we can see that effective leaders need to excel in both areas. They must be able to drive the team towards achieving goals and completing tasks, while also fostering positive relationships and creating a supportive and enjoyable work environment. This balance is essential for long-term success and the overall satisfaction and motivation of the team.

In conclusion, the quote highlights the importance of both task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership, and how they can be integrated within the task-relationship model to create well-rounded and effective leaders.


Teams that typically eliminate one or more managerial levels,thereby creating a flatter organization are:

A) self-managed teams
B) problem-solving teams
C) cross-functional teams
D) formal teams

On May 16, 2024