


The gestalt laws of perceptual organization include __________.

A) pattern recognition, similarity, and subjective contours
B) similarity, good continuation, and primitive features
C) proximity, similarity, and good continuation
D) proximity, similarity, and figure-ground separation

On Jul 13, 2024



Peter is a four-year-old who can already read and has the vocabulary of a 10-year-old. His parents also love to read,so his house is filled with books.What is the most reasonable
Conclusion about the source of Peter's high intelligence?

A) He inherited genes for high intelligence from his parents.
B) His parents provided the stimulating environment needed to develop his intelligence.
C) His intelligence resulted from an interaction of both genes and environment.
D) Neither genes nor the environment is the cause of his high intelligence.

On Jul 10, 2024



A biological predisposition to ADHD is supported by the fact that the heritability of ADHD may be as high as __________ percent.

A) 77
B) 55
C) 10
D) 25
E) 42

On Jun 11, 2024



A psychologist monitors changes in the subject's heart rate as the subject watches a violent movie.What is this data-collection technique called

A)  archival records 
B)  direct observation 
C)  psychological testing 
D)  physiological recording

On Jun 10, 2024



According to drive-reduction theory, what occurs each time a behavior results in drive reduction?

A) Tension is increased.
B) Stability is reduced.
C) Tension is reduced.
D) Drives are increased.

On May 12, 2024



Nursery school children typically enjoy drawing pictures. Which of the following is most likely to reduce their intrinsic motivation for engaging in this activity?

A) Rewarding the children with "Good Player" certificates for drawing pictures
B) Allowing the children to draw pictures less frequently
C) Giving high praise to their friends' drawings
D) Giving the children the opportunity to draw pictures of anything they wish

On May 11, 2024



Which of Horney's neurotic trends does Jeremy display? How does the focus of Horney's theory compare with that of evolutionary psychology?

On May 10, 2024

Jeremy's behavior is an example of Horney's moving against others and is demonstrated in his aggressive behavior toward Latisha.The focus of Horney's theory is quite different from that of evolutionary psychology in that Horney's theory discusses primarily social causes for behavior, especially neurotic behavior.In evolutionary psychology the emphasis is on the adaptive benefits of behaviors.Evolutionary psychologists believe that behavior that exists today must somehow benefit the species in the same way Darwin believed in survival of the fittest when he discussed physical characteristics.