


In your opinion,why is fundamentalism becoming more popular in modern society? Do you agree more with the fundamentalist view or the functionalist view of social change and why?

On May 03, 2024

Answers will vary by student but should include some discussion of the following: Fundamentalists are focused on upholding traditions and maintaining the "true faith" as a defensive reaction to a perceived threat-for example,the moral breakdown of contemporary society.
Fundamentalists do not accept the functionalist view that adaptation is necessary in order to maintain religious integrity;instead,they suggest that accepting change is a compromise that ultimately leads to the surrender of their religious integrity.


The so-called Zeigarnik effect helps us to ____.

A) remember unfinished tasks and thus return to complete them
B) learn when we have set unrealistic goals for ourselves and set more realistic goals in the future
C) recognize when tasks are too easy or too hard (and therefore a bad match for our ability levels) and seek out tasks that are more appropriate
D) assess the pros and cons of a given situation and make decisions based on this assessment

On May 03, 2024



An example of a dissociative disorder is __________.

A) dissociative amnesia
B) dissociative identity disorder
C) dissociative fugue
D) all of the above

On Apr 30, 2024