


In the middle section of a job application letter

A) present your strongest selling points in terms of their potential benefit to the organization.
B) include your entire work history,in case the employer doesn't have time to review your résumé.
C) address your shortcomings but stress that you're willing to learn.
D) ask for an interview and include your contact information.
E) tell the reader when you expect their call.

On Jul 23, 2024



Suppose we lived in a different world, one in which NO corporations in Canada currently pay dividends. Do you think that a renegade firm in this world could increase its value by initiating a dividend payment, thereby making itself different from all the rest? Explain.

On Jul 22, 2024

The question does not specify what the tax rules are relating to dividends, but most students generally assume the tax rules remain as they are currently in Canada. Most students will likely answer this question in the affirmative, supporting their position by citing the factors that encourage a high dividend payout such as the desire for current income, uncertainty resolution, and the tax and legal benefits from high dividends. In addition, some may argue that if there is an unsatisfied dividend clientele, the firm will benefit from initiating dividend payments. If any of these exist, then it is possible that the firm and its shareholders will benefit from making dividend payments.


If bonds are issued at a discount the issuing corporation will pay a principal amount less than the face amount of the bonds on the maturity date.

On Jun 23, 2024



The price of product X is reduced from $100 to $90 and, as a result, the quantity demanded increases from 50 to 60 units. Therefore, demand for X in this price range

A) has declined.
B) is of unit elasticity.
C) is inelastic.
D) is elastic.

On Jun 22, 2024



Corporate social responsibility is most closely related to which of these organizational behavior trends?

A) Workforce diversity
B) Employment relationships
C) Information technology
D) Globalization
E) Workplace values and ethics

On May 24, 2024



Individual initiative,flexibility,and freedom foster growth and are encouraged and well rewarded in an entrepreneurial culture.

On May 23, 2024
