


The nurse is caring for a patient with a tracheostomy tube. Which nursing intervention is most effective in promoting effective airway clearance?

A) Suctioning respiratory secretions several times every hour
B) Administering humidified oxygen through a tracheostomy collar
C) Instilling normal saline into the tracheostomy to thin secretions before suctioning
D) Deflating the tracheostomy cuff before allowing the patient to cough up secretions

On Aug 02, 2024



The nurse is teaching a group of nursing students about newborns born with the congenital defect of myelomeningocele. Which common problem is associated with this defect?

A) Neurogenic bladder
B) Cognitive impairment
C) Respiratory compromise
D) Cranioschisis

On Jul 28, 2024



A patient experiencing primary insomnia asks the nurse, "I take a nap during the day. Doesn't that make up for a lost night's sleep?" Select the nurse's best reply.

A) "Circadian drives give daytime naps a structure different from nighttime sleep."
B) "The body clock operates on a 24-hour cycle, making nap effectiveness unpredictable."
C) "It is a matter of habit and expectation. We expect to be more refreshed from a night's sleep."
D) "Sleep restores homeostasis but works more efficiently when aided by melatonin secreted at night."

On Jun 30, 2024



A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia begins to talks about "cracklomers" in the local shopping mall. The term "cracklomers" should be documented as:

A) neologism.
B) concrete thinking.
C) thought insertion.
D) an idea of reference.

On Jun 26, 2024



Why will the nurse draw a blood culture before giving an antipyretic medication?

A) The causative organism is most prevalent during a spike in temperature.
B) Elevated temperatures slow metabolic rate and improve blood oxygenation.
C) The antipyretic medication will inhibit bacteria growth within the culture tubes.
D) Venous distention is greater because of fluid retention from hyperthermia.

On May 30, 2024



A wife received news that her husband died of heart failure and called her family to come to the hospital. She angrily tells the nurse who cared for him, "He would still be alive if you had given him your undivided attention." Select the nurse's most therapeutic action.

A) Say, "I understand you are feeling upset. I will stay with you until your family comes."
B) Say, "Your husband's heart was so severely damaged that it could no longer pump."
C) Say, "I will call my supervisor to discuss this matter with you."
D) Hold the spouse's hand in silence until the family arrives.

On May 27, 2024