


A competing style tends to maximize assertiveness for your own position and minimize cooperative responses.

On Aug 03, 2024



Bradford Company had sales of $700,000 for a year. The total assets at the beginning of the year were $240,000, and the total assets at the end of the year were $280,000. The asset turnover ratio is (round answer to 2 decimal places)

A) 2.69
B) 0.40
C) 2.92
D) 0.34

On Jul 31, 2024



Discuss steps involved in developing a new wiki and compare those steps to steps that should be taken when adding material to an existing wiki.

On Jul 04, 2024

If you are creating a new wiki,think through your long-term purpose carefully,just as you would with a new blog or podcast channel.Doing so will help you craft appropriate guidelines,editorial oversight,and security policies.For instance,the PlayStation development team at Sony uses a wiki to keep top managers up to date on new products; because this information is highly confidential; access to the wiki is tightly controlled.If you are adding a page or an article to an existing wiki,figure out how this new material fits in with the existing organization.Also,learn the wiki's preferred style for handling incomplete articles.For example,on the wiki that contains the user documentation for the popular WordPress blogging software,contributors are discouraged from adding new pages until the content is fairly complete and accurate.


When accounting for a non-free-standing foreign subsidiary,translation exchange rates are accounted for using the temporal method which involves reporting all cost of goods sold accounts at the

A) current rate.
B) historical rate.
C) rate at time of transaction.
D) present value rate.

On Jul 01, 2024



If you are asked to take a selection test that you perceive to be unfair, you will probably form a negative perception of the organization.

On Jun 04, 2024



In horizontal analysis, the current year is the base year.

On Jun 01, 2024



Late one evening,Charles and Henry are discussing the purchase and sale of $2,500 of coffee shop equipment after an entrepreneurship class.They are in the classroom when Henry writes their agreement on the classroom whiteboard and both Henry and Charles sign it on the whiteboard.Discuss if this whiteboard document is sufficient to provide a binding written agreement.

On May 05, 2024

Assuming the agreement covers the essential terms of the agreement including subject matter,consideration,and names of the parties,it contains the essential elements of a writing.An agreement can be written on any surface suitable for the purpose of recording the intention of the parties.However,since the writing on the whiteboard is unlikely to be preserved,the parties may take pictures of it and agree that the pictures will serve as the 'best evidence' of the agreement.


In Canada, legislation called the ________ prohibits misleading advertising.

On May 02, 2024

Competition Act