


According to the text,your choice of a trait in each of the following pairs may be used to gauge your ______: strong or kind,intelligent or generous,friendly or brave,helpful or artistic,and popular or sympathetic.

A) strength of character
B) social orientation
C) level of integrity
D) degree of personal control

On Jul 13, 2024



Longitudinal studies show that intelligence scores ______.

A) peaks in early adulthood, declines through middle adulthood, and drops steeply in late adulthood
B) vary by gender with males showing greater declines over time than females
C) increase into middle adulthood, especially on tests that reflect accumulated knowledge
D) vary by gender with females showing greater declines over time than males

On Jul 11, 2024



Infants around age 6 months babble. To what extent is their babbling influenced by what they hear?

A) The more the infant hears, the less it babbles.
B) From birth onward, the amount of babbling is directly proportional to how much the parents talk to the infant.
C) At first infants copy the sounds they hear; later they begin to invent new sounds of their own.
D) At first, what infants hear makes no difference; later they begin to copy the sounds they hear.

On Jun 13, 2024



Despite its aims, the mental hygiene movement of the 19th century did not meet its goals. Describe the reasons for this movement, the instrumental figures responsible for this movement, and the reasons behind its lack of success.

On Jun 11, 2024

Conditions for the mentally ill during the 1800s were horrendous. The mentally ill were left wandering from place to place and were rarely taken proper care of. In poorhouses, they were chained up and often taunted by visitors. Thus, reformers insisted on the establishment of mental asylums where proper care would be given to the mentally ill. Dorothea Dix (1802-1877), who became one of the leaders of the mental hygiene movement, visited a local prison, and, horrified by the conditions, became determined to make changes. She was also concerned with the suffering of mental patients, and began a nationwide campaign to improve life for these individuals. Thus, the goal of the mental hygiene movement was to protect and provide humane treatment for the mentally ill. However, the movement of people into large asylums did not make life better. There was a problem with overcrowding, and staff did not have the time to properly care for the considerable number of patients. Physicians replaced psychosocial treatments with physical treatments, which were often cruel rather than compassionate.


HIV infection transmission is_____ in male-to-female compared with female-to-male relations. 

A) equally likely
B) about eight times more likely
C) rare
D) about eight times less likely

On May 14, 2024



Resisting the temptation to eat chocolate chip cookies led research participants to subsequently give up sooner than normal on efforts to complete a tedious task. This illustrated that self-control weakens following

A) an exertion of energy.
B) defensive self-esteem.
C) the spotlight effect.
D) conscientiousness.

On May 12, 2024