


Ross Perot was the third-party candidate in the 1992 presidential election.

On Jun 15, 2024



Following the Glorious Revolution, the Massachusetts colony had to abide by the Toleration Act.

On Jun 12, 2024



What caused the Socialist Revolutionaries to split with the Bolsheviks in March 1918?

A) Lenin's decision to abandon socialist economic principles
B) the assassination of the royal family
C) Lenin's denunciations of "kulaks"
D) the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
E) support for Alexander Kerensky against Lenin

On May 16, 2024



Discuss the renewed interest of some Americans in political and economic conservatism during World War II. What schools of thought saw a revival, and how may the emergence of a so-called Fifth Freedom have played a part in this development?

On May 13, 2024

During World War II, there was a renewed interest in political and economic conservatism among some Americans. This was largely due to the perceived threat of communism and the desire for a return to traditional values and limited government intervention in the economy.

One school of thought that saw a revival during this time was classical liberalism, which emphasized individual freedom, free markets, and limited government. This was in response to the expansion of government power and control during the war, as well as the growing influence of socialist and communist ideologies.

Another school of thought that gained traction was libertarianism, which advocated for minimal government interference in both social and economic matters. This was seen as a response to the increased government regulation and control over the economy during the war.

The emergence of a so-called Fifth Freedom, which refers to the freedom from want, played a part in this development as well. This concept, popularized by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, emphasized the importance of economic security and social welfare. However, some Americans saw this as a threat to individual freedom and free markets, leading to a renewed interest in political and economic conservatism.

Overall, the renewed interest in political and economic conservatism during World War II was driven by a desire to preserve traditional values, limit government intervention, and push back against the perceived threat of socialism and communism. This led to a revival of classical liberalism and libertarianism, as well as a rejection of the Fifth Freedom concept.