


Inspecting outputs is which of the following types of quality control?

A) feedforward quality control
B) concurrent quality control
C) feedback quality control
D) intermittent quality control

On Jul 23, 2024



How much is induced consumption when disposable income is $400 billion?

On Jul 22, 2024

$300 billion


The following data pertains to activity and utility costs for two recent years:  Year 2  Year 1  Activity level in units 12,0008,000 Utilities cost $15,000$12,000\begin{array} { | l | l | l | } \hline & \text { Year 2 } & \text { Year 1 } \\\hline \text { Activity level in units } & 12,000 & 8,000 \\\hline \text { Utilities cost } & \$ 15,000 & \$ 12,000 \\\hline\end{array} Activity level in units  Utilities cost  Year 2 12,000$15,000 Year 1 8,000$12,000 Using the high-low method, the cost formula for utilities is?

A) $1.25 per unit.
B) $6,000 plus $0.75 per unit.
C) $8,000 plus $0.50 per unit.
D) $1.50 per unit.

On Jun 23, 2024



Young John recently took a job with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. His supervisor gave him an assignment and a two-week deadline. He finished the job in three days and turned it in. Now his coworkers are mad at John. Why?

On Jun 22, 2024

Since there is little incentive for internal efficiency, John should have taken the entire two weeks before handing in the report. If the supervisor comes to believe everyone should work faster, this will not serve the best interests of the veteran USDA employees. In fact, asking for extensions, because of the perceived effort tasks take, will likely be the norm in John's new office.


In Rustbucket, Michigan, there are 200 used cars for sale; half of these cars are good and half of them are lemons.Owners of lemons are willing to sell them for $100.Owners of good used cars are willing to sell them for prices above $1,500 but will keep them if the price is lower than $1,500.There is a large number of potential buyers who are willing to pay $300 for a lemon and $1,900 for a good car.Buyers can't tell good cars from bad, but original owners know.

A) There will be an equilibrium in which all used cars sell for $1,100.
B) The only equilibrium is one in which all used cars on the market are lemons and they sell for $300.
C) There will be an equilibrium in which lemons sell for $100 and good used cars sell for $1,500.
D) There will be an equilibrium in which all used cars sell for $800.
E) There will be an equilibrium in which lemons sell for $300 and good used cars sell for $1,900.

On May 24, 2024



Beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong are called:

A) organizational citizenship.
B) values.
C) collectivism.
D) moral intensity.
E) extroversion.

On May 23, 2024