


In the context of justifying gender inequality, identify a true statement about legitimizing myths.

A) They are attitudes, values, and beliefs that serve to justify hierarchical social practices.
B) They emphasize that women are fundamentally similar to men.
C) They are often so widely rejected that they seem to be undeniably false.
D) They are used by subservient groups in an attempt to gain power and maintain equity in the society.

On Aug 02, 2024



Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of smell?

A) signaling the quantity of a food source
B) assisting in the location of food
C) assisting an animal in avoiding danger
D) enhancing flavor

On Jul 06, 2024



Publication of research findings is extremely important to the scientific method because

A) it allows for critique and self-correction.
B) it brings recognition to the research worker.
C) it forces the writer to be clear.
D) the royalties help the researcher pay for the research.

On Jul 03, 2024



In one study, students watched an experimenter fill two jars with sugar. They were then given two labels and instructed to put whichever label they wanted on each jar; one of the labels said "sucrose, table sugar" and the other said "not sodium cyanide, not poison." Later, when making Kool Aid, most subjects used the sugar from the jar labeled __________. These results are consistent with the idea that people __________.

A) "sucrose, table sugar"...have difficulty understanding negatives
B) "not sodium cyanide, not poison"...rely on confirmation that things are safe
C) "sucrose, table sugar"...saw the experimenter fill this jar
D) "not sodium cyanide, not poison"...often believe that experimenters use reverse psychology

On Jun 06, 2024



People with _________ are preoccupied with exaggerated or imagined physical defects; continuous hair pulling, and compulsive skin-picking.

A) body dysmorphic disorder
B) acute stress disorder
C) dissociative identity disorder
D) post-traumatic stress disorder

On Jun 03, 2024



People suffering from panic disorder also have a high probability of suffering from?

A) eating disorders.
B) agoraphobia.
C) substance abuse.
D) memory disorders.

On May 07, 2024



Evaluate the research presented in your text regarding the issue of a critical period for language acquisition.

On May 04, 2024

The research presented in the text regarding the issue of a critical period for language acquisition suggests that there is indeed a critical period during which language acquisition occurs most easily and effectively. This critical period is typically thought to be during early childhood, with some researchers suggesting that it may extend into adolescence.

The text discusses various studies that have found evidence for the existence of a critical period for language acquisition. For example, there are cases of individuals who were not exposed to language during early childhood and as a result, struggled to acquire language later in life. Additionally, studies of individuals who were exposed to a second language later in life often show that they do not achieve native-like proficiency compared to those who were exposed to the language during the critical period.

Furthermore, the text also discusses the neurological basis for the critical period, suggesting that there may be specific brain development processes that make language acquisition easier during early childhood.

Overall, the research presented in the text supports the idea that there is a critical period for language acquisition, and that this period is crucial for achieving native-like proficiency in a language. This has important implications for language education and the understanding of how language learning occurs.


In the context of psychosurgery, in __________, physicians beam streams of radiation deep into the skull, destroying spots of tissue believed to be overactive in severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

A) prefrontal lobotomy
B) electroconvulsive therapy
C) gamma knife surgery
D) split-brain surgery

On May 02, 2024



Active religious involvement in late adulthood ______.

A) reduces opportunities for social interactions
B) ensures longevity
C) is linked to life satisfaction
D) is unlikely to help achieve ego integrity

On May 01, 2024



Autonomy refers to

A) the belief that one has the competence to accomplish a given goal or task.
B) the sense that one can gain skills and overcome obstacles.
C) the need to engage in warm relations with other people.
D) the sense that one is in control of one's own life.

On Apr 30, 2024