


The advantages of appropriate MIS utilisation include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) MIS utilisation allows for more ongoing and informed communication among all parts of the organisation, helping ensure better coordination and integration.
B) MIS utilisation allows for better and more frequent communication with all organisation members and key environmental stakeholders.
C) MIS utilisation allows for greater reliance on computer and information technology in addressing the challenges faced by an organisation.
D) MIS utilisation allows for better and timelier access to useful information, as well as for the involvement of many people in the planning process.
E) MIS utilisation allows for more immediate and complete measurement of performance results and real-time solutions to performance problems.

On Jun 18, 2024



Acorn Outfitters advertises a large tent,usually selling for $250,to be sold to the first customer the next morning for $25.Samuel is the first in line,but Acorn claims that the tent has already been sold.Acorn has engaged in an auction.

On Jun 15, 2024



Determine the net income (loss) for the period.

A) net income $9,250
B) net loss $790
C) net loss $5,670
D) net income $3,580

On May 19, 2024



Describe the three common techniques for overcoming objections.

On May 16, 2024

Common techniques of overcoming objections include:Acknowledging the objection: "Yes, our prices are higher because our product is better." The objection allows the salesperson an additional opportunity to stress the benefits of the product. For example, consumers are willing to pay higher prices provided they've been given a clear reason (higher quality, better safety, more efficient)for spending more.Postponing: "We'll discuss the delivery option in a few minutes, but first let me ask about your needs in this area …" Salespeople should postpone addressing objections if the full context of an appropriate answer has not been developed. This strategy works best if the salesperson plans to address an objection shortly. Postponing for too long will frustrate customers and reduce their level of trust.Denial: "That is not accurate. Here's what is the situation actually is …" If a customer mentions something that is completely false, the salesperson should strongly deny the point, but only in a way that is not offensive or insulting to the customer.