


Who described the priorities in human motivation in a hierarchy of needs?

A) Abraham Maslow
B) George Mallory
C) William Blake
D) Kipling Williams

On Jul 27, 2024



Which statement is the BEST response about a scientific opinion on the use of polygraphic evidence?

A) "Although they are used widely, polygraph results are not particularly reliable."
B) "The APA endorses their use."
C) "On average, 50 out of 100 truths are categorized as lies."
D) "Most courts admit evidence from polygraphs in criminal trials."

On Jul 26, 2024



Which of Freud's psychosexual stages did he see as society's first systematic effort to regulate the child impulses?

A) anal stage
B) oral stage
C) latency stage
D) genital stage

On Jun 27, 2024



Which of the following statements is true of the concept of risky shift?

A) It is the tendency to shift to a group that makes less risky decisions.
B) It is the tendency for individuals to more willingly endorse riskier decisions when in a group than when they are alone.
C) It refers to a person's risk of losing his or her of personal identity when he or she becomes a part of a group.
D) It refers to each person's tendency to exert less effort in a group because of reduced accountability for individual effort.

On Jun 26, 2024



Explain the adolescent concepts of the personal fable and imaginary audience.

On May 28, 2024

The adolescent concepts of the personal fable and imaginary audience are both related to the way that teenagers perceive themselves and others around them.

The personal fable refers to the belief that adolescents have that they are unique and special, and that no one else can understand or relate to their experiences. This can lead to feelings of invincibility and a sense of being above the rules or consequences that apply to others. Adolescents may feel that they are immune to the dangers and risks that affect other people, leading to risky behaviors and decision-making.

The imaginary audience, on the other hand, is the belief that adolescents have that they are constantly being watched and judged by others. This can lead to self-consciousness and a heightened awareness of how they are perceived by their peers. Adolescents may feel that everyone is paying attention to their every move and that any mistake or embarrassment will be noticed and remembered by others.

Both of these concepts are a normal part of adolescent development, as teenagers are navigating the transition from childhood to adulthood and developing their sense of identity and self-awareness. However, these beliefs can also contribute to feelings of isolation, pressure, and anxiety. It's important for adults to be aware of these concepts and to provide support and guidance to help adolescents navigate these challenging aspects of growing up.


In middle age,African Americans are more likely than white Americans to die of

A) strokes.
B) heart disease.
C) cancer.
D) All of these

On May 27, 2024