


Thoroughly describe the arguments made that linked American freedom to westward expansion. Who or what were obstacles to freedom in the pursuit of expansion? How did Americans deal with those obstacles?

On Jul 18, 2024

The argument linking American freedom to westward expansion is rooted in the idea of Manifest Destiny, the belief that it was the destiny of the United States to expand its territory across the North American continent. Proponents of westward expansion argued that it was a way to spread democracy, freedom, and opportunity to new territories, and that it was the natural right of Americans to settle and develop the land.

One of the main obstacles to freedom in the pursuit of westward expansion was the presence of Native American tribes who already inhabited the land. As Americans moved westward, they often clashed with Native American tribes who resisted the encroachment on their land and way of life. This led to violent conflicts and the displacement of Native American communities from their ancestral lands.

Another obstacle to freedom was the presence of other colonial powers, such as Spain and Mexico, who also had claims to the territories being pursued by American settlers. This led to territorial disputes and conflicts over control of the land.

Americans dealt with these obstacles in a variety of ways. In the case of Native American tribes, the U.S. government implemented policies of forced removal, such as the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which led to the forced relocation of Native American tribes from their homelands to designated Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma. This policy resulted in the Trail of Tears, a devastating and deadly journey for many Native American tribes.

In the case of territorial disputes with other colonial powers, Americans often resorted to military intervention and diplomacy to assert their claims to the land. This was the case in the Mexican-American War, which resulted in the annexation of large territories in the Southwest, including present-day California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Overall, the arguments linking American freedom to westward expansion were often used to justify the displacement and subjugation of indigenous peoples and the assertion of American power and control over new territories. The pursuit of expansion was not without its obstacles, and the ways in which Americans dealt with these obstacles often involved the use of force and the disregard for the rights and sovereignty of others.


What permanent political institution developed as a result of the conflicts in Europe?

A) President's cabinet
B) State of the Union Address
C) Political parties
D) Electoral college

On Jul 10, 2024



Science is usually associated with absence of faith,yet Alfred Einstein is quoted as saying,

A) "The universe is the result of God at work."
B) "Hebrew God or Christian God: they are one and the same."
C) "My inspiration comes from God."
D) "God does not play dice."
E) "God created everything."

On Jun 15, 2024



What was the spark for a deadly riot in New York in 1863?

A) food shortages
B) a military draft
C) peace negotiations with the South
D) Irish immigrants being asked not to serve
E) opposition to the Thirteenth Amendment

On Jun 09, 2024



How did Justice Robert Jackson compare a military order to a court decision in the case of Korematsu v. United States?

A) He argued that a judicial decision lasts longer than a military order and decides the extent of the Constitution.
B) He argued that military orders were more important and urgent than court decisions.
C) He believed military orders and judicial decisions were equally important.
D) He considered that citizens were obliged to comply with court orders in the same way that soldiers followed their superiors.
E) He believed there was no valid point of comparison between the two because they applied to different jurisdictions.

On May 18, 2024



What did Noah Webster's American Dictionary define as "a state of exemption from the power or control of another"?

A) masculinity
B) individualism
C) artisanship
D) freedom
E) weakness

On May 14, 2024



Discuss the various New Deal experiences of American women during the Great Depression. How did their experiences differ across the full spectrum of American society?

On May 10, 2024

During the Great Depression, American women experienced a variety of New Deal programs and policies that aimed to provide relief and recovery for those affected by the economic downturn. One of the most well-known programs was the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which provided employment opportunities for both men and women in various public works projects. Women were able to find jobs in fields such as sewing, teaching, and nursing through the WPA, which helped alleviate some of the financial strain caused by the Depression.

Additionally, the Social Security Act of 1935 provided benefits for widows and their children, offering a safety net for women who had lost their primary source of income. The National Youth Administration also provided educational and job opportunities for young women, allowing them to gain valuable skills and experience.

However, the experiences of women during the New Deal varied widely across different segments of American society. White women generally had more access to New Deal programs and were more likely to benefit from them, while women of color faced discrimination and limited opportunities. Many New Deal programs were also segregated, further limiting the opportunities available to women of color.

Furthermore, the experiences of women in rural areas differed from those in urban areas. Rural women often faced greater economic hardship and had fewer opportunities for employment and assistance compared to their urban counterparts. Additionally, married women often faced discrimination in the workforce, as many New Deal programs prioritized jobs for male breadwinners.

In conclusion, while the New Deal provided some relief for American women during the Great Depression, their experiences varied widely based on factors such as race, location, and marital status. Many women faced significant challenges and limitations in accessing the benefits of New Deal programs, highlighting the need for more inclusive and equitable policies to address the needs of all women during times of economic crisis.


The fight over the admission of Missouri to the Union

A) resulted solely from the emotional feelings that people had about slavery.
B) ushered in an era in which virtually every session of Congress had to deal with the slavery issue.
C) concerned purely political questions, with no discussion about the morality of slavery.
D) was of great political significance because Missouri's admission would disrupt the balance between slave and free states in the Senate.

On May 07, 2024



What religion did the majority of enslaved African people in North America practice in the eighteenth century?

A) Catholicism
B) Islam
C) Judaism
D) traditional African religions
E) Protestantism

On May 03, 2024



What name was given to the sites that housed the tens of millions of Europeans uprooted from their homes in the wake of war?

A) refugee camps
B) humanitarian settlements
C) DP camps
D) migrant housing
E) immigration reception centers

On Apr 30, 2024