


In many European countries, cohabitation is viewed as ______.

A) an alternative to marriage
B) a precursor to marriage
C) an option only after a first marriage
D) a path open only to young adults

On Jul 28, 2024



Perceptions differ from sensations in that:

A) perceptions depend as much on prior experience as they do on neural cues traveling between receptors and the brain.
B) perceptions are purely psychological, whereas sensations are purely neural.
C) each sensation is actually a large set of perceptions.
D) sensations depend mostly on learning, whereas perceptions are innate processes.

On Jul 25, 2024



Compare and contrast culture-free and culture-fair tests of intelligence.

On Jun 28, 2024

Culture-free and culture-fair tests of intelligence are both designed to measure cognitive abilities without being biased by cultural factors. However, they differ in their approach and the extent to which they are influenced by cultural factors.

Culture-free tests of intelligence are designed to be completely independent of cultural influences. These tests aim to measure cognitive abilities that are assumed to be universal across all cultures, such as reasoning, problem-solving, and memory. They are often based on the idea that certain cognitive abilities are innate and not influenced by cultural background. Examples of culture-free tests include the Raven's Progressive Matrices and the Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test.

On the other hand, culture-fair tests of intelligence are designed to minimize the impact of cultural factors on test performance. These tests acknowledge that cultural background can influence cognitive abilities and aim to reduce this influence as much as possible. Culture-fair tests often include items and tasks that are familiar to individuals from different cultural backgrounds, and they may also include measures of non-verbal reasoning and problem-solving to minimize the impact of language and cultural knowledge. Examples of culture-fair tests include the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test.

In summary, culture-free tests aim to measure cognitive abilities that are assumed to be universal and not influenced by culture, while culture-fair tests aim to minimize the impact of cultural factors on test performance. Both types of tests are important for assessing intelligence in a diverse and multicultural society, and they each have their own strengths and limitations in terms of their ability to accurately measure cognitive abilities across different cultural backgrounds.


By manipulating a single gene,scientists have been able to control sexual orientation in

A) humans.
B) chimpanzees.
C) fruit flies.
D) all of these organisms.

On Jun 25, 2024



Cognitive schemas allow for easy,fast processing of information about people,events,or groups that are related in some way.However,when we make generalizations about these
People,events,or groups,we are using

A) concepts.
B) stereotypes.
C) the exemplar model.
D) the prototype model.

On May 29, 2024



If something is natural,then it is good.

On May 26, 2024
