

Cristina receives a new credit card from Seventh National Bank that does not provide a means for a retailer to verify that the holder of the card is in fact authorized to use it.The next day,Cristina discovers that she has lost her card.As soon as she discovers the card is missing,she calls Seventh National to report the loss.Already,$620 worth of unauthorized charges have been made on her credit card.Under the Truth-in-Lending Act,Cristina will:

A) have to pay for the entire $620 of unauthorized charges.
B) have to pay for $50 of the unauthorized charges.
C) not have to pay any amount of the unauthorized charges.
D) have to pay for 50% of the unauthorized charges.

On May 12, 2024



The more significant are economies of scale in an industry, the more product variety will be observed.

On May 10, 2024
