


In Los Angeles, you may see cars sporting a bumper sticker that reads, "My favorite teams are UCLA and whoever's playing USC." What is this an example of ?

A) group dynamics
B) hostility toward an out-group
C) bureaucratic rationalization
D) the use of a reference group

On Jul 12, 2024



The American Medical Association

A) spends more than other competing interest groups on political lobbying.
B) has increased in power over recent decades.
C) is less powerful than the combined countervailing powers in health care.
D) has long supported a national health care system.
E) is more powerful than the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

On Jul 09, 2024



Most Americans who engage in Internet gambling do so by visiting otherwise legal __________ gaming websites.

On Jun 12, 2024



Food aid often has detrimental effects on poor countries because it increases dependence on non-Indigenous foods and stunts local agricultural development.

On Jun 09, 2024



A subset of a population is called a:

A) populace
B) sample
C) group
D) designated community
E) sub-population

On May 13, 2024



Taiwan and South Korea, once colonies of Japan, have made considerable headway in their attempts to become prosperous. Discuss how this has been accomplished.

On May 10, 2024

Taiwan and South Korea have made considerable headway in their attempts to become prosperous after being colonies of Japan through a combination of factors.

Firstly, both countries have focused on developing their economies through industrialization and export-oriented growth. Taiwan, for example, has become a major player in the global technology industry, while South Korea has achieved success in sectors such as electronics, automotive, and shipbuilding. This focus on economic development has allowed both countries to become prosperous and competitive on the global stage.

Additionally, both Taiwan and South Korea have invested heavily in education and human capital. By prioritizing education and skills training, they have been able to develop a highly skilled workforce that is able to drive innovation and productivity in their respective economies. This has allowed them to attract foreign investment and develop high-value industries.

Furthermore, both countries have also pursued policies that promote innovation and entrepreneurship. By creating a conducive environment for business and innovation, they have been able to foster the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as attract foreign investment and technology transfer.

Lastly, both Taiwan and South Korea have also focused on building strong institutions and governance structures. This has allowed them to create a stable and predictable business environment, which has been crucial in attracting investment and fostering economic growth.

In conclusion, Taiwan and South Korea have become prosperous after being colonies of Japan through a combination of factors including economic development, investment in education and human capital, promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship, and building strong institutions and governance structures. These efforts have allowed them to achieve significant economic growth and become prosperous nations.