


Children frequently play out their family roles in school.

On Jul 15, 2024



What are the steps for teaching self-monitoring? Describe each step and be sure to include the educator's role in each.

On Jul 12, 2024

Teaching self-monitoring is an important skill for students to develop in order to become independent learners. There are several steps to effectively teach self-monitoring, and the educator plays a crucial role in each step.

Step 1: Introduce the concept of self-monitoring
The educator's role in this step is to explain to students what self-monitoring is and why it is important. They can provide examples of self-monitoring in everyday life and in the classroom. The educator should also emphasize the benefits of self-monitoring, such as improved academic performance and increased independence.

Step 2: Model self-monitoring
In this step, the educator demonstrates self-monitoring behaviors to the students. This could include thinking aloud while completing a task, setting goals, and tracking progress. The educator's role is to be a positive role model and to explicitly show students how to self-monitor their own behavior and progress.

Step 3: Provide guided practice
The educator guides students through the process of self-monitoring by providing structured activities and support. This could involve setting specific goals for students, teaching them how to track their progress, and providing feedback on their self-monitoring efforts. The educator's role is to offer guidance and support as students begin to practice self-monitoring on their own.

Step 4: Encourage independent practice
Once students have had guided practice, the educator should encourage them to self-monitor independently. This could involve giving students opportunities to set their own goals, track their progress, and reflect on their performance. The educator's role is to provide encouragement and support as students take on more responsibility for their own self-monitoring.

Step 5: Provide feedback and reinforcement
Throughout the process of teaching self-monitoring, the educator should provide ongoing feedback and reinforcement to students. This could include praising their efforts, providing constructive feedback on their self-monitoring skills, and offering rewards for successful self-monitoring. The educator's role is to motivate and support students as they continue to develop their self-monitoring abilities.

Overall, the educator plays a critical role in teaching self-monitoring by introducing the concept, modeling the behavior, providing guided practice, encouraging independent practice, and offering feedback and reinforcement. By following these steps, students can develop the skills they need to become effective self-monitors and independent learners.


It can be argued that we recognize thoughts only because

A) we have the words and concepts of our language that allow us to do so.
B) those thoughts arise from a core, essential self.
C) we exist as individuals prior to our social context.
D) there is no self.

On Jun 14, 2024



Rajah's twin 7-year-old brother recently died in an accident.His teacher knows all of Rajah's family members are in counseling to help them deal with their grief.In which way can Rajah's teacher help him in school as he goes through this difficult time?

A) Talk with the other children in the class and explain why Rajah is sad.Tell them to say nothing about his brother.
B) Dedicate several morning meetings with the class to discuss death and dying.Ask the other children to share their stories and questions with Rajah.
C) Look for ways to help Rajah remember his brother and share memories and feelings about him when he chooses to.
D) Read children's books that deal with the subjects of death and dying to the class every day for one month.Hope Rajah finds comfort in the stories.

On Jun 11, 2024



When are children likely to develop high self-esteem?

A) When they discover they are powerless in the world
B) When they can see themselves regarded in a positive light by those around them
C) When someone else does everything for them
D) When they face critical attitudes

On May 15, 2024



A greater percentage of children living in single-father homes are in poverty when compared to children living in single-mother homes.

On May 12, 2024
