


The way slot machines reward gamblers with money best illustrates

A) spontaneous recovery.
B) partial reinforcement.
C) generalization.
D) shaping.

On Jul 20, 2024



According to Andrews and Bonta's (2010) general personality and social psychological model of criminal behavior,the antisocial behavior of adolescents tends to be deeply imbedded,in particular,within a(n) ______.

A) repressive family context
B) antisocial peer group
C) cluster of severely negative interpersonal relationships
D) subculture of alienation and hopelessness

On Jul 17, 2024



In contrast to Freud's theory, object relations theorists

A) focus on internal drives and conflicts.
B) are interested in the intellectual and emotional development of the infant.
C) are interested in an infant's relationship with his or her parents.
D) do not believe that children develop unconscious representations of significant objects in their environment.

On Jun 20, 2024



Javier is excellent at being able to recognize his own emotions.He is very good at realizing whether he is sad or depressed.Javier is demonstrating:

A) primary appraisal.
B) secondary appraisal.
C) emotion differentiation.
D) domain-general adaptations.

On Jun 17, 2024



Discuss the emotional state of grief.

On May 20, 2024

Answers will vary. The death of a close friend or family member can be a traumatic experience. It typically leads to a state of bereavement, an emotional state of longing and deprivation that is characterized by feelings of grief and a deep sense of loss. Mourning is synonymous with grief over the death of a person, but also describes culturally prescribed ways of displaying grief. There is neither one right way to grieve nor a fixed period of time for which grief should last. In some cases, especially for parents who have lost a child, grief never ends, although it does tend to lessen over time. People grieve in different ways. Some grieve more publicly, while others reveal their feelings only in private. You may not always know when someone is grieving. Grief usually involves a combination of emotions, especially depression, loneliness, feelings of emptiness, disbelief and numbness, apprehension about the future ("What will I do now?"), guilt ("I could have done something"), even anger ("They could have handled this better"). Grief may also be punctuated by relief that the deceased person is no longer suffering intense pain and by a heightened awareness of one's own mortality. Grief may also compromise the immune system, leaving the person more vulnerable to disease. Researchers also find that the death of a loved one puts one at greater risk of committing suicide, especially during the first week following the loss.


It wasn't until Clara heard some of her classmates laughing loudly during history class that she began to perceive the professor's ongoing lecture to be very funny.This provides an illustration of

A) Weber's law.
B) sensory adaptation.
C) context effects.
D) subliminal messaging.

On May 17, 2024