


Researchers have found that a ____________ degree of fear in a message makes it more effective, particularly when it is combined with ____________.

A) maximum; information about how to prevent the fearful consequences
B) minimum; threats
C) moderate; threats
D) moderate; information about how to prevent the fearful consequences

On Jul 13, 2024



Most men who commit violent rape

A) feel anger toward women and have a desire to dominate them.
B) have very strong sex drives.
C) are usually not aroused by photos and audiotapes of rape.
D) do not otherwise have a history of violence.

On Jul 09, 2024



Which statement is NOT true regarding gender and suicide?

A) Women attempt suicide more often than men do.
B) Men use more lethal means to commit suicide than women do.
C) Women succeed at committing suicide more often than men do.
D) Men are more likely to commit suicide when they are elderly than when they are younger.

On Jun 12, 2024



In general, a probability tells us:

A) which things will not happen
B) which things will happen
C) which things will happen and which things will not happen
D) which things will happen or which things will not happen
E) how likely things are to happen

On Jun 08, 2024



Respiratory distress syndrome

A) secreted by uterus and causes contractions
B) focuses on breathing and relaxation exercises and the use of a coach
C) released later in labor to aid in pushing
D) without oxygen
E) more severe, prolonged depression affecting 10-20% of women
F) period of sleep in which dreams are unlikely
G) cluster of breathing problems to which preterm babies are more prone
H) process of forming an attachment relationship between parent and child
I) newborn
J) also called crib death
K) female companion present during delivery of a baby
L) receptors of light that transmit sensations of color
M) keenness or sharpness of vision
N) heated protective container for preterm infants
O) used if there is prolonged fetal distress
P) stimulates uterus and placenta to prompt labor
Q) when delivery of the infant occurs
R) created to assess normal infants
S) infant fans the toes when underside of foot is stroked
T) fetus enters birth canal buttocks first

On May 13, 2024



The ________ is a measure of how much energy we use to maintain basic body functions when our body is at rest.

A) body mass index
B) set point
C) basal metabolic rate
D) settling point

On May 09, 2024



According to sociologists,which is the most important agent of socialization?

A) Families
B) Peers
C) Education
D) Mass media

On May 08, 2024