


The_______ protects certain materials relating to an attorney's preparation of a client's case for trial.

A) work product doctrine
B) attorney-client privilege
C) work confidentiality doctrine
D) secrecy doctrine

On Jun 23, 2024



Which of the following is not important when deciding whether a case should be filed in state or federal court?

A) The likelihood of winning in each court
B) The costs and procedural rules involved in filing in each court
C) The length of time it will take each court to decide the case
D) None of these choices is correct.

On Jun 20, 2024



What should a paralegal do if a juror asks him or her a question about the trial? Which rules of ethics address this situation?

On Jun 15, 2024

Even if the paralegal knows the answer to the question and thinks it would enhance the client's chances of winning the case if the juror understood the facts better, the paralegal should not answer the question. The paralegal should remind the juror that jurors are not permitted to discuss a case they are hearing with anyone. The paralegal should also inform the juror that, as a paralegal, he or she has an ethical duty to abide by the professional rules of conduct governing the legal profession. One of these rules prohibits ex parte (private) communications with jurors about a case being tried. A paralegal must inform the attorney that he or she is in trial if this occurs.
These actions are consistent with NFPA's Model Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Section EC-1.2(a): "A paralegal shall not engage in any ex parte communications involving the courts or any other adjudicatory body in an attempt to exert undue influence or to obtain advantage or the benefit of only one party," and Section EC-1.5(f): "A paralegal shall not engage in any indiscreet communications concerning clients." They are also consistent with the NALA Code of Ethics, Canon 9: "A paralegal must do all other things incidental, necessary, or expedient for the attainment of the ethics and responsibilities as defined by statute or rule of court."


A well-drafted complaint contains the information needed to answer which of the following questions?

A) Did any administrative prerequisites have to be satisfied prior to filing suit?
B) What are the legal claims made by the plaintiff?
C) Why is the suit being filed in this court?
D) What is the plaintiff asking for?
E) All of these choices are correct.

On Jun 05, 2024



Where would you be likely to find a paralegal education program?

A) At a community college
B) At a four-year college
C) At a business school
D) All of these choices are correct.

On May 20, 2024



You are at lunch with some people from work and you tell them about buying your first new home in Harbourtown.One of your co-workers says, "Are you sure you want to move there? I hear that there is a lot of crime in that area, you know, robberies, drugs, and even murder.It's a black neighbourhood, you know, that's probably why." What is this co-worker's comment an example of?

A) xenophobia
B) racial prejudice
C) racial discrimination
D) shadeism

On May 16, 2024



Bernice reminisces about a time when children learned the difference between right and wrong in school and in church.In her opinion, children were better behaved when they learned from their teachers, rather than from their parents.She thinks that today's parents are too lenient, which was never the case when she was growing up.Bernice is most likely from which generation?

A) Traditionalists
B) Baby Boomers
C) Generation X
D) Generation Y

On May 12, 2024



Rich steals Carol's Social Security number and uses it to access her financial resources. Rich is guilty of which of the following?

A) Identity fraud
B) Identity theft
C) Willful larceny
D) Identity misrepresentation

On May 08, 2024



According to your textbook, which generation has been the driving force behind national spending on luxury goods, with increased spending on luxury fashion by 33%, travel by 74% and fine dining by 102%?

A) Traditionalists
B) Baby Boomers
C) Generation X
D) Generation Y

On May 05, 2024



Describe guidelines for summarizing a client interview.

On May 02, 2024

The interviewing process does not end with the close of the interview. A final and crucial step in the process involves summarizing the results of the interview for the legal team working on the case. As a paralegal, you are likely to create an intake memorandum following each initial client interview.
If the firm has a prepared intake form for particular types of cases, the completed form might constitute the interview summary. Information obtained during any subsequent interviews with a client should be analyzed and summarized in a memo for your supervising attorney or other team members to review and for later inclusion in the client's file.
Your interview summary should be created immediately after the interview, while the session is still fresh in your mind. When summarizing the results of a client interview, carefully review your notes and, if the session was recorded, review the file. Never rely totally on your memory of the statements made during the interview. It is easy to forget the client's specific words, and it may be important later to know exactly how the client phrased a certain comment or response. Relying on memory is also risky because, as mentioned earlier, sometimes a statement that seemed irrelevant
at the time of the interview may turn out to be very important to the case. Make sure that the facts
are accurately recorded and are as reliable as possible. Also note your impressions of the client and the client's nonverbal behaviors.
Depending on the nature of the legal claim being made by the client, you may want to include a visual element or two in your summary. For example, if the claim concerns an automobile accident, you might consider creating a graphic depiction of the accident to attach to the summary.