


Monopolistic competition means:

A) a market situation where competition is based entirely on product differentiation and advertising.
B) a large number of firms producing a standardized or homogeneous product.
C) many firms producing differentiated products.
D) a few firms producing a standardized or homogeneous product.

On Jul 25, 2024



The manager of Cross Border Fund uses EAFE as a benchmark. Last year's performance for the fund and the benchmark were as follows:  EAFE  Return on  Currency  Cross  Manager’s  Weight  Equity  Aplication  Border’s  Return  Index E1/E0−1 Weight  Eur 0.3010%10%0.259% Aus 0.105%−10%0.258% FE 0.6015%30%0.5016%\begin{array}{ccccc}&\text { EAFE } & \text { Return on } & \text { Currency } & \text { Cross } & \text { Manager's } \\&\text { Weight } & \text { Equity } & \text { Aplication } & \text { Border's } & \text { Return } \\&& \text { Index } & E_{1} / E_{0-1} & \text { Weight } &\\ \text { Eur } &0.30&10\%&10\%&0.25&9\%\\ \text { Aus } &0.10&5\%&-10\%&0.25&8\%\\ \text { FE } &0.60&15\%&30\%&0.50&16\%\\\end{array} Eur  Aus  FE  EAFE  Weight 0.300.100.60 Return on  Equity  Index 10%5%15% Currency  Aplication E1/E0110%10%30% Cross  Border’s  Weight Manager’s  Return 9%8%16%
Calculate Cross Border's stock selection return contribution.

A) 1.0%
B) ?1.0%
C) 3.0%
D) 0.25%

On Jul 23, 2024



Discuss the arguments for and against businesses' involvement in socially responsible activities.

On Jun 25, 2024

The prime responsibility of business is to make a reasonable return on its investment by producing a quality product at a reasonable price. Businesses are not to be charitable institutions. However, those who favor social responsibility of business use the arguments of a social contract, less government regulation, and long-run profits. The social contract argument is that, because society allows for the creation of corporations and gives them special rights, including a grant of limited liability, corporations owe a responsibility to society. The government regulation argument is that, by taking a more proactive role in addressing society's problems, corporations create a climate of trust and respect that has the effect of reducing government regulation. The long-run profit argument is that corporate involvement in social causes creates goodwill, which just makes good business sense.
Those who do not favor corporate involvement in socially responsible activities use the arguments of profitability, unfairness, accountability, and expertise. The argument regarding profitability is that, because corporations are artificial entities established for profit-making activities, their only social obligation should be to return as much money as possible to shareholders. The unfairness argument is that whenever corporations engage in social activities, they divert funds rightfully belonging to shareholders and/or employees to unrelated third parties. Corporations are private institutions that are subject to a lower standard of accountability than are public bodies. Substantial potential for abuse exists where a company may decide to support a wide range of social causes and yet submit to little public scrutiny. The expertise argument is that, although a corporation may have a high level of expertise in selling its goods and services, there is no guarantee that any promotion of social activities will be carried on with the same degree of competence.


Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of written channels.

On Jun 23, 2024

You need no immediate feedback. Your message is detailed, complex, or requires careful planning. You need a permanent, verifiable record. Your audience is large and geographically dispersed. You want to minimize the distortion that can occur when messages pass orally from person to person. Immediate interaction with the audience is either unimportant or undesirable. You want to plan and control your message.


Refer to Exhibit 6-2.Green's accounts receivable turnover for 2010 was

A) 2.2 times
B) 26.0 times
C) 27.4 times
D) 28.9 times

On May 25, 2024



________ are customized online presentations of highly summarized business information.

On May 24, 2024

Executive dashboards