


For what reason did the Allies insist on a weak presidency and the power of the Bundesrat to block legislation in the West German constitution?

A) They wanted to prevent the Social Democratic Party from taking power.
B) They modeled the West German constitution on the American constitution.
C) Politicians from Catholic regions insisted on such clauses to prevent Protestant dominance.
D) Decentralization would better block Soviet power grabs in West Germany.
E) They wanted to prevent a recurrence of the centralized power Hitler had accumulated.

On Sep 24, 2024



Both Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams suggested that the Missouri controversy of 1820-1821

A) demonstrated the wisdom of the founding fathers in adopting the three-fifths clause.
B) should have been solved by adoption of the Tallmadge Amendment.
C) was not as dangerous as President Monroe made it out to be.
D) resulted from overly ambitious proslavery politicians seeking to score political points.
E) revealed a sectional divide that potentially threatened the Union.

On Sep 22, 2024