


The principle of continuity refers to the perceptual tendency to

A) group things that are near one another.
B) group stimuli into smooth,uninterrupted patterns.
C) fill in gaps so as to perceive a complete,whole object.
D) generate reversible figure-ground patterns.

On Jul 29, 2024



Friedrich Anton Mesmer became famous-or infamous-for his work with patients suffering from bodily problems with no physical basis. His patients' disorders are termed:

A) somatogenic.
B) hysterical.
C) phlegmatic.
D) bilious.

On Jul 28, 2024



Primary circular reactions focus on an infant's own body rather than on the external environment.

On Jun 29, 2024



Certain techniques are used in the treatment of fetishes. Define and compare the following techniques: masturbatory satiation, orgasmic reorientation, and aversion therapy.

On Jun 28, 2024

Certain techniques are used in the treatment of fetishes to help individuals manage and reduce the impact of their fetish on their daily lives. Three common techniques used in the treatment of fetishes are masturbatory satiation, orgasmic reorientation, and aversion therapy.

Masturbatory satiation involves the individual repeatedly masturbating to their fetish object or fantasy until they no longer experience sexual arousal. This technique aims to reduce the individual's arousal and desire for the fetish object by associating it with a lack of sexual pleasure.

Orgasmic reorientation involves the individual learning to redirect their sexual arousal and focus towards more socially acceptable and healthy sexual stimuli. This technique aims to help the individual develop new patterns of sexual arousal and reduce their reliance on the fetish object.

Aversion therapy involves pairing the fetish object or fantasy with a negative stimulus, such as a foul odor or an unpleasant sensation, in order to create a negative association with the fetish. The goal of aversion therapy is to reduce the individual's attraction to the fetish object by making it less appealing through negative conditioning.

In comparing these techniques, it is important to note that they all aim to reduce the individual's arousal and desire for the fetish object. Masturbatory satiation and orgasmic reorientation focus on changing the individual's arousal patterns and associations, while aversion therapy aims to create a negative association with the fetish object. Each technique may be more or less effective depending on the individual and the specific nature of their fetish. It is important for individuals seeking treatment for fetishes to work with a qualified mental health professional to determine the most appropriate and effective treatment approach for their specific needs.


Single-factor explanations

A) tend to identify risk factors rather than specific causes of dysfunctional behaviour.
B) emphasize one factor as being a major contributor to a particular psychological disorder.
C) are generally preferred over other explanations because of their simplicity.
D) often reflect a high level of current comprehensive knowledge of disorders.
E) view behaviour as the product of the interaction of several factors.

On May 30, 2024



Avian is usually good because she is afraid that she will be punished if she isn't.Avian is at which level of Lawrence Kohlberg's view of moral development?

A) conventional
B) preconventional
C) premoral
D) postconventional

On May 29, 2024