


According to Engels,how did the family,and particularly the role of women,alter to meet the needs of a capitalist economy?

On Jul 17, 2024

Engels argued that along with the other vast changes generated by the Industrial Revolution,family forms were radically altered.With the rise of industrialism,workplaces shifted from homes to factories.Men became workers in these factories,forced to earn a wage for their labour and thus made dependent on business owners for their material survival.Families likewise shifted from being sites of production to sites of consumption.That is,families were no longer organized around producing at home mainly for their own consumption;instead,they purchased goods and services in the marketplace.Engels argued that material conditions determine family life.He pointed out that as societies industrialized,those who were able to provide the necessities of life (i.e. ,men)amassed social power.Women and children commanded the lowest wages on the earnings ladder,and were thus dependent on male wage earners.Engels demonstrated that with the development of class-based societies,women's social position,relative to men's,declined.Contrary to popular nostalgia,married women often engaged in waged work.Nonetheless,they were "defined by their domestic roles as private,subservient domestic labourers subject to male control and authority within the home." Not only women but the family itself was now viewed differently-as a private affair,separate from the public sphere of business and politics.


Describe a time when a socializing agent (your parent, a teacher, a coach, etc.) used instrumental conditioning.What was the reinforcement? What was the reinforcement schedule? Then, discuss how effective the conditioning was, drawing on your knowledge of the factors that influence the effectiveness of instrumental conditioning.

On Jul 16, 2024

Instrumental conditioning is a process of socialization in which a person learns a behavior based upon rewards and punishments.My high school volleyball coach wanted the team to make as few mistakes as possible.She used sprints during practices as a punishment when we made mistakes.She delivered the reinforcement on a variable-ratio schedule; sometimes we would sprint after one mistake, sometimes after ten.Though unpleasant, the conditioning was effective in that we played better and made fewer mistakes in order to avoid sprints.We also developed a sense of self-efficacy in our volleyball abilities, leading to intrinsic motivation and self-reinforcement to play well and avoid mistakes.


The one physical trait of males that seems to be innately attractive to women is:

A) large eyes
B) white teeth
C) height
D) muscular back

On Jun 17, 2024



____________________ involves the intense fear of gaining weight, disturbed body image, a use of dangerous measures to lose weight and a refusal to maintain normal weight.

On Jun 16, 2024

Anorexia nervosa


According to Carol Dweck, this type of person believes that intelligence is fixed, unchanging, and independent.

A) internal locus of control
B) decremental
C) incidental
D) external locus of control

On May 18, 2024



Many sex workers ________.

A) do not kiss their clients as it gets personal and romantic
B) expect to enjoy sex with their customers
C) feel emotional and committed during all sexual encounters
D) are usually sex workers because they like anonymous sex and different partners

On May 17, 2024