


The set of skills Javier can perform with assistance but not independently is considered to be within his _____.

On Jul 11, 2024

zone of proximal development


A hypothesis is

A) a testable statement.
B) a theory.
C) a research method.
D) an experiment.

On Jul 07, 2024



The term sensitivity about being the target of a threatening upward compariso n  refers to ____.

A) the tendency to compare yourself to unrealistically high standards and thus set yourself up for disappointment
B) a generalized tendency to worry excessively about what other people think of you
C) concern about not living up to others' expectations of you and therefore disappointing them
D) interpersonal concern about the consequences of outperforming others

On Jun 10, 2024



The Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric does not apply unless the work being evaluated includes an attempt to do which of the following?

A) Express desires.
B) Give reasons.
C) Accept responsibility.
D) Make promises.

On Jun 07, 2024



Jung's embrace of the occult and the supernatural is probably the source of most of the criticism directed at his theory.

On May 10, 2024



Compare and contrast the psychoanalytic and humanistic brands of insight therapy.

On May 07, 2024

The main similarity is that both seek to enlighten the individual about internal structures and mechanisms that may be contributing to one's distress.Differences centre on assumptions about the causes of the distress.Psychoanalysis focuses on uncovering unconscious conflicts,motives,and defences that are not merely adaptive,but which cause distress or dysfunction.Client-centred therapy,a representative humanistic therapy,centres on the notion that distress results from incongruence between one's self-concept and reality,which causes one to behave in maladaptive ways.The aim is for the individual to "get in touch" with one's own individual nature and to value it appropriately.Another difference is in techniques.Psychoanalysis employs free association,dream analysis,and other techniques aimed at allowing and encouraging the emergence of material from the unconscious,which is then interpreted by the analyst.The general approach in client-centred therapy is for the therapist to establish a climate that feels safe enough so that the client is free to examine his or her true nature without feeling it necessary to employ defensive manoeuvres.