


A loan of $10,000 is to be repaid by three payments of $2,500 due in two, four, and six months, and a fourth payment due in eight months. What should be the size of the fourth payment if an interest rate of 11% is charged on the loan? Use today as the focal date.

On Jul 19, 2024



Talking about the direction of specific differences in ANOVA makes no sense because it is a(n) ______ test.

A) monobus
B) multibus
C) omnibus
D) octobus

On Jul 17, 2024



If $100,000 will purchase a 20-year annuity paying $830 at the end of each month, what monthly compounded nominal rate and effective rate of interest will the invested funds in the annuity earn?

On Jun 19, 2024

7.90% cm and effective rate = 8.19%


A random sample of 31 sales charge showed a sample standard deviation of $50.A 90% confidence interval estimate of the population standard deviation is

A) 1715.101 to 4055.589.
B) 1596.458 to 4466.679.
C) 39.956 to 66.833.
D) 41.393 to 63.684.

On Jun 17, 2024



David is a salesman for a local Ford dealership.He is paid a percent of the profit the dealership makes on each car.If the profit is under $800,the commission is 25%.If the profit is at least $800 and less than $1,000,the commission rate is 27.5% of the profit.If the profit is $1,000 or more,the rate is 30% of the profit.Find the difference between the commission paid if David sells a car for a $1,000 profit and the commission paid if he sells a car for a $799 profit?

On May 19, 2024

$100.25 $100.25


Combine and simplify. 6yx2+xy−6xxy+y2\frac { 6 y } { x ^ { 2 } + x y } - \frac { 6 x } { x y + y ^ { 2 } }x2+xy6yxy+y26x

A) 6(x+y) x−y,x≠y\frac { 6 ( x + y ) } { x - y } , x \neq yxy6(x+y) ,x=y
B) 6(y−x) xy,x≠−y\frac { 6 ( y - x ) } { x y } , x \neq - yxy6(yx) ,x=y
C) 6(x−y) x+y,x≠−y\frac { 6 ( x - y ) } { x + y } , x \neq - yx+y6(xy) ,x=y
D) 6(x−y) xy,x≠y\frac { 6 ( x - y ) } { x y } , x \neq yxy6(xy) ,x=y
E) 6(x+y) xy(x−y) ,x≠−y\frac { 6 ( x + y ) } { x y ( x - y ) } , x \neq - yxy(xy) 6(x+y) ,x=y

On May 18, 2024