


The paragraph below is developed by a specific mode or pattern. Read the paragraph; then answer the question(s) .
(1) Employers should take aggressive steps to end age discrimination at the workplace. (2) According to the AARP, one-third of older American voters say that they or someone they know has experienced some form of age discrimination. (3) This problem is a serious one, as workers fifty-five and older are the fastest-growing segment of the workforce. (4) Age discrimination is on the rise in these difficult economic times. (5) Workers who are laid off at age fifty-five or sixty find it difficult to find work. (6) The same is true for men and women who retire early, whether by choice or due to a corporate buyout. (7) Some employers say that older workers will take more time to learn things and will be less willing to work long hours. (8) However, that is a narrow-minded view. (9) Older workers can bring wisdom and expertise to the work environment. (10) In addition, they can prove to be excellent teachers to younger employees who need help. (11) Therefore, employers must treat every worker and job applicant with fairness and objectivity, regardless of age.
Transitional words or phrases are used in which sentences?

A) (3) , (4)
B) (1) , (6)
C) (2) , (8) , (10) , (11)

On Jul 08, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each one, select the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence is free of mechanics errors, select "Correct."
Children of the Kindertransport
Before the war ended in 1945, the Nazis had murdered an estimated 5.7 million Jews in the Holocaust, widely considered the most horrific and evil act of modern times.

A) Capitalization error
B) Title error
C) Quotation error
D) Punctuation error
E) Correct

On Jul 07, 2024



Select the answer that correctly adds the suffix to each word below. continue + ous

A) continuous
B) continueous

On Jul 01, 2024



The paragraph below is developed by a specific mode or pattern. Read the paragraph; then answer the question(s) .
(1) New Jersey businessman Barry Halper owned the world's largest collection of baseball memorabilia. (2) Three packed rooms in his basement held countless baseball-related objects priceless to any lover of the game. (3) He owned, for instance, at least 1 million baseball cards, all in complete sets. (4) Nine hundred players' uniforms on a dry cleaner's conveyor belt hummed through a huge closet in Halper's basement. (5) Another prized example of Halper's passion was a life-size wax statue of Babe Ruth purchased from Madame Tussaud's famous wax museum in London. (6) Halper displayed a huge leather chair shaped like a baseball mitt, 3,000 autographed balls, a baseball pinball machine made in the 1930s, posters, bats, masks, trophies. (7) In 1998, he sold his collection; Major League Baseball bought many of Halper's treasures and donated them to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Transitional words or phrases are used in which sentences?

A) (3) , (5)
B) (1) , (2) , (5)
C) (4) , (5)

On Jun 30, 2024



The paragraphs of the following essay have been scrambled so that they are out of order. Read them and then answer the question(s) that follow.
Overcoming Student Depression
_____ (1) Today, I'm grateful to my college for wanting to help people like me, and I urge anyone who is feeling depressed to find out more about his or her college's resources. (2) Students shouldn't go on floundering until they drown, not when there are people ready to toss out a life preserver and pull them in to safety.
_____ (3) I got this help by visiting my college's student health service. (4) Like many colleges, the one I attended had beefed up its resources for students who are having trouble coping with their new challenges. (5) I was able to take advantage of free on-campus counseling with a qualified therapist named Becky. (6) I told her how I felt, and she helped me figure out how to deal more effectively with the stress I was under. (7) I learned, for example, about how to use time management and exercise to better cope with everything I had to do. (8) Before long, I felt the cloud I had been under begin to lift. (9) I was still busy, but I didn't feel as overwhelmed, and my grades improved from Cs and Ds to As and Bs.
_____ (10) Second, I found out that my feelings were fairly common. (11) I searched for information online and found out that, according to an American College Health Association study, 10 percent of college students had been diagnosed with depression. (12) In addition, the National Mental Health Association reports that one-third of all college freshmen say they feel overwhelmed a great deal of the time. (13) It was a relief to discover that I wasn't alone. (14) Knowing that encouraged me to take the next step and get the help I needed.
_____ (15) The first thing I did was admit to myself that I was depressed. (16) One day while sitting in one of the student lounges on campus, I picked up a pamphlet published by my college's student health service. (17) It included a list of questions, such as "Do you often feel sad, anxious, or empty?" "Do you often feel fatigued or low in energy?" "Do you have difficulty concentrating or making decisions?" (18) I was surprised when I found myself answering yes to almost every one of these questions. (19) Since then, I've found out that most colleges are trying to educate students about the signs and symptoms of depression and other mental illnesses. (20) Through information posted on college web sites; printed materials like pamphlets and posters; and even forums followed by free screenings for eating disorders, alcoholism, and anxiety, colleges are helping students like me recognize when they are battling a very serious problem.
_____ (21) When I first started college, I was excited and happy. (22) It wasn't long, though, before I began to feel overwhelmed. (23) I could barely keep up with all of the assignments, tests, and papers of five different challenging classes. (24) At the same time, I was in an unfamiliar new environment, homesick for my family and friends back home. (25) After a while, I wasn't handling the pressures well at all; in fact, it was all I could do to get myself out of bed every morning. (26) Fortunately, though, I was able to take positive steps to identify and solve my problem.
Part A: Select the answer that numbers the paragraphs in the order they should appear in the essay.
a. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
b. 2, 5, 4, 1, 3
c. 1, 3, 5, 2, 4
Part B: Identify the number of the topic sentence in the third paragraph of the reordered sequence.
a. Sentence 1
b. Sentence 10
c. Sentence 21
Part C: What transitional expression shows the relationships between paragraphs 2 and 3 in the reordered sequence?
a. The first thing
b. Second
c. Today
Part D: What linking technique does the writer use at the beginning of the fourth paragraph in the reordered sequence?
a. He repeats key words or ideas from the thesis statement.
b. He refers to a word or idea from the preceding paragraph.
c. He uses a transitional sentence.

On Jun 29, 2024

Part A: a
Part B: b
Part C:b
Part D:b


The following sentences form a paragraph. For each item, select the letter of the word that is misspelled. The art of origami is not a simple one. Many different books have been writen on origami techniques.

A) simple
B) writen
C) techniques

On Jun 07, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each item, select the underlined part that contains an error. How can we avoid these sources of stress, we can't.

A) How can we
B) these
C) stress, we

On Jun 05, 2024



Read the paragraph below and then answer the questions that follow by selecting the letter of the correct response.
Playing video games can be a fun and relaxing hobby. For some players, though, this activity can become an addiction that's as harmful as gambling. That's why gamers who play two or more hours a day should be aware of the signs of addiction. One of these signs is abandonment of other hobbies. Someone who stops participating in all other leisure time activities or social events to play video games may be in the grip of a harmful addiction. Another sign of possible addiction is constantly thinking or talking about a game even while doing other things. If thoughts about the next gaming session prevent someone from paying attention to other tasks or people, that player could be addicted. A final warning sign is fighting with or lying to loved ones about the amount of time spent playing. Neglecting relationships with family members and friends is a classic sign of video game addiction.
The subject of this paragraph is

A) fun, relaxing hobbies.
B) signs of video game addiction.
C) playing video games.

On Jun 01, 2024



Select the sentence that uses concise, fresh, and exact language. Which sentence uses concise, fresh, and exact language?

A) We went to the post office, bought stamps, and left.
B) We walked to the post office, bought two rolls of stamps, and went home.
C) We went to the post office, bought two rolls of stamps, and left.

On May 31, 2024



In each group, select the letter of the sentence that is limited enough to be the thesis statement of a good essay. Select the thesis statement.

A) The school system needs to be changed.
B) Same-sex classrooms are a good idea.
C) To reduce misbehavior and improve student achievement, students should be educated in same-sex classrooms.

On May 30, 2024