


Which assessment finding for a patient diagnosed with serious and persistent mental illness and living in the community merits priority intervention by the psychiatric nurse? The patient

A) receives social security disability income plus a small check from a trust fund every month.
B) was absent from two of six planned Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the past 2 weeks.
C) lives in an apartment with two patients who attend partial hospitalization programs.
D) has a sibling who was recently diagnosed with a mental illness.

On Jun 12, 2024



An example of a transdermal birth control patch is:

A) Brevicon.
B) Ogen.
C) Depo-Provera.
D) Ortho Evra.

On Jun 08, 2024



A patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder self-inflicted wrist lacerations after gaining new privileges on the unit. The cause of the self-mutilation is probably related to:

A) inherited disorder that manifests itself as an incapacity to tolerate stress.
B) use of projective identification and splitting to bring anxiety to manageable levels.
C) constitutional inability to regulate affect, predisposing to psychic disorganization.
D) fear of abandonment associated with progress toward autonomy and independence.

On Jun 05, 2024



The nurse is obtaining vital signs on a newborn infant and notes respirations at 56 breaths/min.What is the most appropriate action by the nurse?

A) Apply oxygen immediately.
B) Document the finding and continue the assessment.
C) Contact the obstetrician for orders.
D) Compare the finding with other infants in the nursery.

On May 12, 2024



Write the correct abbreviation for protein-bound iodine:

On May 09, 2024



When completing the FICA tool for spiritual assessment, which questions should the nurse ask the patient? (Select all that apply.)

A) What things do you believe in that give meaning to life?
B) Are you connected with a faith center in your community?
C) How has your illness affected your personal beliefs?
D) When was the last time you have been to church?
E) What can I do for you?

On May 06, 2024

A, B, C, E


The nurse is preparing to assess the ankle-brachial index (ABI) of a patient. Which statement about the ABI is true?

A) Normal ABI indices are from 0.5 to 1.0.
B) Normal ankle pressure is slightly lower than the brachial pressure.
C) The ABI is a reliable measurement of peripheral vascular disease in individuals with diabetes.
D) An ABI of 0.9 to 0.7 indicates the presence of peripheral vascular disease and mild claudication.

On May 02, 2024



The nurse must assess a 10-month-old infant. The infant is sitting on the father's lap and appears to be afraid of the nurse and of what might happen next. Which initial action by the nurse would be most appropriate?

A) Initiate a game of peek-a-boo.
B) Ask father to place the infant on the examination table.
C) Undress the infant while he is still sitting on his father's lap.
D) Talk softly to the infant while taking him from his father.

On Apr 29, 2024