


Which of the following terms do NOT belong together?

A) structuralism; observable behavior
B) Gestalt; whole
C) psychoanalysis; unconscious conflict
D) natural selection; functionalism

On Jul 16, 2024



Could Bruce be considered Type A or Type B? Why? Provide evidence for your answer.

On Jul 13, 2024

Bruce could be considered Type A because of his time urgency and short temper, i.e., hostility, as evidenced by his frequent implication to staff members that they are not completing tasks quickly enough and by his repeated loss of temper.He also displays the third factor that constitutes Type A Behavior Pattern: achievement striving.The case states that, "he hopes to see the hospital grow and become one of those ranked as one of the best in the U.S."


Between 12 and 24 months,infant growth is generally slower than it was in the first year.

On Jun 16, 2024



During the stage when trust or mistrust are the ways of coping,the most important body part is the

A) anus.
B) mouth.
C) penis.
D) nose.

On Jun 12, 2024



Define and describe the uses for and limitations of family studies, twin studies, and adoption studies. What has been learned from these studies about the role of heredity in shaping human personality?

On May 16, 2024

Family studies look at heritability based on the assumption that if genes influence a certain trait, close relatives should be more similar on the trait than distant relatives. This type of study has been used to look at the likelihood of schizophrenia, and whether it is genetically linked (since closer family members are more likely to have the disorder). Twin studies look at identical versus fraternal twins to determine whether nature (genetics, which identical twins share) influences behavior and personality more than nurture (which fraternal twins share similar to identical twins, but their genetic makeup is no closer than other siblings). Adoption studies look at children adopted at birth by parents not related to them to see the effect of nurture (environment) versus heredity (genetics) on behavior. All three methods look at teasing apart the influences of heredity and environment.


Dr.Kincaid was interested in the topic of musical genius.In the initial part of the investigation,Dr.Kincaid carefully observed and compiled detailed files on three individuals who were musical geniuses.What sort of research is Dr.Kincaid conducting

A)  correlational 
B)  survey 
C)  naturalistic observation 
D)  case study

On May 13, 2024