


What kind of paragraph or essay is required by each of the following questions? Select the letter of the correct answer. Take a stand for or against a flat tax rate.

A) argue
B) illustrate
C) compare

On Jul 24, 2024



Each group below contains one correct sentence. In each group, select the letter of the sentence that is correct. Which sentence is correct?

A) She inexperienced in the world of business.
B) Her inexperience in the world of business creates problems.
C) Is inexperience in the world of business.

On Jul 22, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Ambivalence can be defined as a feeling or attitude that is both positive and negative at the same time. (2) For instance, a young woman might feel ambivalent about motherhood. (3) She may want to have a child yet fear that motherhood will use up energy she would like to spend on her career. (4) Or a Michigan man who is offered a slightly higher salary in Arizona might be ambivalent about moving. (5) He and his family don't want to leave their friends, their schools, and a city they love. (6) On the other hand, they are tempted by a larger income and by Arizona's warm climate and clean air. (7) Finally, two people may have ambivalent feelings about each other, loving and disliking each other at the same time. (8) It hurts to be together, and it hurts to be apart; neither situation makes them happy. (9) As these examples show, the double tug of ambivalence can complicate decision making.
Select the number of the topic sentence in the paragraph above.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3

On Jun 25, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each item, select the letter of the word that is a look-alike/sound-alike error. Chavez effected the lives of exploited farm workers everywhere and was a symbol of hope for future improvements. Chavez died in 1993.

A) effected
B) for
C) died

On Jun 23, 2024



Each of the following sentences tells what you are trying to persuade someone to do. Beneath each sentence are four reasons that attempt to convince the reader that he or she should take this particular course of action. Select the reason that seems irrelevant, illogical, or untrue. If you wanted to persuade a person not to keep a wild animal as a pet, you could say that

A) a wild animal is potentially dangerous.
B) escaped wild "pets" may seriously disrupt local ecosystems.
C) a person who keeps a wild animal is obviously mean and selfish.
D) keeping a wild animal as a pet may be illegal.

On Jun 22, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the answer that correctly identifies the underlined portion of the sentence as wordy or trite. Ancient people believed that stars were motionless, that they did not move .

A) wordy
B) trite

On Jun 21, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. If the sentence contains a pronoun error, select "Pronoun error." If the sentence does not have a pronoun error, select "Correct." With a wooden spoon, I mixed it into the dough, adding more drops of water as needed.

A) Pronoun error
B) Correct

On Jun 19, 2024



Each question below is a plan for a narrative paragraph. The events in the plans are not in the correct chronological order. Select the letter of the answer that numbers the events in the proper time sequence. In 1897, Lena Jordan performed the first triple somersault on the flying trapeze, but for years she did not get credit.
____ For the next sixty-six years, all the record books listed Clarke as the record holder, not Jordan.
____ When a second person, a man named Ernest Clarke, managed a triple somersault in 1909, he received national attention.
____ Only recently did the Guinness Book of World Records give Jordan sole credit for the first triple somersault in circus history.
____ In 1975, the Guinness Book of World Records finally listed Lena Jordan's achievement, but only in addition to Clarke's.

A) 4, 1, 3, 2
B) 3, 4, 2, 1
C) 2, 1, 4, 3

On Jun 18, 2024