


For the following sentences, select the letter of the incorrect past tense verb in each group. When the media first reported Lyuba's discovery, many people questioned whether cloning the mammoth would be the next step and be concerned about the consequences of resurrecting an extinct species that would have no natural environment and might harbor unknown diseases.

A) reported
B) questioned
C) be

On Sep 29, 2024



Select the letter of the correct definition of the word. Discuss causes

A) analyze the reasons for something
B) analyze the results or consequences of something
C) give one or more examples

On Sep 28, 2024



Select the sentence that contains concise, fresh language. Which sentence contains concise, fresh language?

A) Shall we meet at that restaurant at the time we agreed on?
B) Shall we gather together at that eating establishment at the time at which we came to an agreement about?

On Sep 25, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) You are sitting in a restaurant quietly having a meal when suddenly a man nearby starts choking on a piece of food lodged in his throat. (2) By using the Heimlich maneuver, you may be able to save this person's life. (3) Your two hands are all you need to perform this lifesaving technique. (4) First, position yourself behind the choking person. (5) Then wrap your arms around the person's midsection, being careful not to apply any pressure to the chest or stomach. (6) Once your arms are around the victim, clench one hand into a fist and cup this fist in the other hand. (7) Now turn the fist so that the clenched thumb points toward the spot between the choker's navel and midsection. (8) Finally, thrust inward at this spot using a quick, sharp motion. (9) If this motion does not dislodge the food, repeat it until the victim can breathe freely.
Which of the following is not a transitional expression in the paragraph above?

A) now
B) finally
C) if
D) then

On Sep 22, 2024