


Which one of the following statements is correct about a rights offering?

A) If the rights are selling at a price equal to their actual value, then a shareholder will neither win nor lose by selling their rights.
B) If the market price of a right is less than the actual value of the right, then shareholders can gain by selling their rights in the open market.
C) When the market price of a right is equal to the actual value of the right the shareholders will gain by exercising their rights.
D) If the market price of a right is greater than the actual value of the right, then shareholders can gain by purchasing additional rights in the marketplace and exercising those rights.
E) If both the market price of the right and the market price of the stock are underpriced compared to their ex-right values, then an investor is guaranteed a profit if they purchase additional rights.

On Jul 26, 2024



Which of the following represent(s) utilitarian motives for social shopping?

A) The convenience and ease of shopping with more choices and better information.
B) Access to opinions,recommendations,and referrals from others - potentially improving the ability for consumers to make the most rational and efficient decisions.
C) The opportunities to share common interests with like-minded others.
D) A & B only.
E) All of these.

On Jul 24, 2024



Descriptive research on narcissistic charismatics found that they are MOST likely to ________.

A) take the time to guide and facilitate the implementation of their vision in the organization
B) press ahead in a persistent quest to attain their vision despite setbacks or negative evidence
C) give recognition to followers who make important contributions to the attainment of the vision
D) plan carefully for a successor qualified to protect the vision after the leader departs

On Jun 25, 2024



Problems of destructive competition in inter-team dynamics are likely in restricted communication networks.

On Jun 24, 2024



The national culture,customs,and societal norms of a country do not shape the cultures of organizations operating within a country.

On May 26, 2024



A married couple in the process of obtaining a divorce cannot file a joint tax return.

On May 25, 2024
