Jianfeng Lu (student)




The brain structure that controls unconscious but essential functions such as breathing and circulation is the

A) pons.
B) medulla.
C) cerebellum.
D) corpus callosum.

On Aug 03, 2024



Define both threats and promises, and then identify the two factors that influence the effectiveness of threats and promises.

On Jul 14, 2024

A threat is a statement from a source to a target in the form, "if you don't do X, then I will do Y." The threat is something that the target would like to avoid.For example, a teacher can tell a student, "If you don't hand in your final paper on time, then I will have to fail you for the semester." A promise, on the other hands, involves awards that are contingent.For example, a teacher can tell a student, "If you hand in your final paper early, you will receive two extra credit points." Two factors that influences the effectiveness of threats and promises are their magnitude and credibility.First, the greater the magnitude the punishment or reward, the greater the probability of compliance.For example, a student promised five extra credit points will be more likely to comply with the teacher's promise than a student offered two points.Second, people assess credible threats and promises based on past behavior and the cost to carry out the threat.For example, if a teacher has previously failed students for late work and since failing a student is low cost to the teacher, students will likely perceive the teacher's threat as credible.


Franz Mesmer was the first person to

A) test for IQ.
B) use electroconvulsive therapy.
C) use hypnosis.
D) require General Psychology students to participate in experiments as part of their course requirements.

On Jul 04, 2024



Compared with their counterparts of 30 years ago,people in Western countries today are better educated and ________.These trends may help explain why the American divorce rate has ________ since 1980.

A) marrying later;slightly declined
B) marrying earlier;increased
C) marrying later;increased
D) marrying earlier;slightly declined

On Jun 07, 2024



Identify the major functions of the hypothalamus, cerebellum, and the reticular formation.Give examples of their functions in terms of real behaviors.

On Jun 03, 2024

The hypothalamus is a small forebrain structure that monitors three pleasurable activities-eating, drinking, and sex-as well as emotion, stress, and reward.It also regulates the body's internal state.For example, the hypothalamus works to keep the body at a constant temperature, triggering perspiration when the body is hot and shivering when the body is cold.The cerebellum extends from the rear of the hindbrain, just above the medulla.It consists of two rounded structures thought to play important roles in motor coordination.Damage to the cerebellum impairs the performance of coordinated movements.When this damage occurs, people's movements become awkward and jerky.Extensive damage to the cerebellum makes it impossible even to stand up.The reticular formation is a diffuse collection of neurons involved in stereotyped patterns of behavior such as walking, sleeping, and turning to attend to a sudden noise.


Our "deep down inside" feelings about ourselves are part of our __________ self-esteem.

A) explicit
B) intrinsic
C) extrinsic
D) implicit

On May 08, 2024



Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?

A) grief unfolds in four patterns-George Bonanno
B) four stages of cognitive development-James Marcia
C) theory of eight psychosocial stages that characterize socioemotional development-Jean Piaget
D) four statuses of identity based on crisis and commitment-Erik Erikson

On May 04, 2024



Blindfolded university students were observed to pull harder on a rope when they thought they were pulling alone than when they thought three others were pulling with them on the same rope.This best illustrates

A) social loafing.
B) deindividuation.
C) group polarization.
D) social facilitation.

On May 01, 2024