


Which of the following represents a disadvantage of using the sample range to measure spread or dispersion?

A) It produces spreads that are too large.
B) The sample range is not measured in the same units as the data.
C) The largest or smallest observation (or both) may be an outlier.
D) None of these is correct.
E) All of these are correct.

On Jun 20, 2024



Which of the following statements about a two-way analysis of variance model is/are TRUE?

A) The population of interest is classified according to two categorical variables,or factors.
B) An experiment involving the simultaneous use of two factors offers advantages over two one-way experiments with respect to such matters as efficiency and reduction of residual variation.
C) The two-way type of experiment requires twice as many experimental observations as would be required in two one-way experiments of the same factors.
D) An experiment involving the simultaneous study of two factors allows for the investigation of interactions between the factors.
E) Only A,B,and D are true.

On Jun 14, 2024



The weight of baggage checked by airline passengers is a random variable with a mean of 50 pounds and a standard deviation of 30 pounds. The total baggage limit for 100 randomly selected passengers is 5,750 pounds.
What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the sum of the sample measurements?
What is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sum of the sample measurements?
What is the approximate probability the baggage limit will be exceeded?

On May 17, 2024

5000; 500; 0.0668


Until there is sufficient evidence otherwise,it must be assumed that ______.

A) both the null and alternative hypotheses are true
B) the alternative hypothesis is true
C) neither the null nor alternative hypotheses are true
D) the null hypothesis is true

On May 13, 2024



Calculate the final value of the following equation 8,600(1+0.092×155365) 1+0.154×81365\frac{8,600\left(1+0.092 \times \frac{155}{365}\right) }{1+0.154 \times \frac{81}{365}}1+0.154×365818,600(1+0.092×365155)

A) 8,640.69
B) 8,122.68
C) 5,867.98
D) 1,882.57
E) 5,345.43

On May 10, 2024