


Some observers claim that the Supreme Court's decision in Parents Involved in Community
Schools v.Seattle School District No.1 (2007) represents the "end of the Brown era" because it

A) explicitly overturned the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v.Board of Education.
B) rejected the precedent that strict scrutiny should be applied in cases about racial discrimination.
C) confirmed the precedent that strict scrutiny should be applied in cases about racial discrimination.
D) declared one of the few public strategies left to promote racial integration unconstitutional.

On Jul 08, 2024



Which statement best describes American federalism since the 1930s?

A) Although the federal government has grown significantly more powerful since the 1930s,the basic framework of American federalism has not been altered,and state governments remain important.
B) Although state governments have grown significantly more powerful since the 1930s,the basic framework of American federalism has not been altered,and the federal government remains important.
C) The growing power of the federal government since the 1930s has fundamentally altered American federalism by rendering state governments obsolete.
D) The growing power of state governments since the 1930s has fundamentally altered American federalism by rendering the federal government obsolete.

On Jul 04, 2024



Based on the history of Supreme Court decisions on affirmative action,which of the following university admissions policies would be MOST likely to survive a constitutional challenge?

A) a policy that automatically awarding 40 points (out of 100) to African American,Latino,and Native American applicants
B) a policy that reserves 25 of 100 positions at the university for African American,Latino,and Native American applicants
C) a policy that doubles the GPA and SAT scores for African American,Latino,and Native American applicants
D) a policy that considers race as one factor among many in an attempt to achieve a diverse student body

On Jun 07, 2024



The Boston Massacre occurred when

A) five British soldiers were killed by an angry mob of colonists protesting outside the seat of the colonial government in Boston.
B) five colonists were killed by British soldiers outside the seat of the colonial government in Boston.
C) 50 colonists were killed by British soldiers outside the seat of the colonial government in Boston.
D) 50 British soldiers were killed by an angry mob of colonists protesting outside the seat of the colonial government in Boston.

On Jun 03, 2024



A loose,informal relationship of public officials,interest groups,and activists who are all
Concerned with the same policies is called

A) an iron triangle.
B) a membership association.
C) the New Politics movement.
D) an issue network.

On May 08, 2024



The struggle for women's rights has made some important strides and experienced a number of setbacks over the last 30 years.Discuss the "Equal Rights Amendment," Title IX of the 1972 Education Act,the Supreme Court's decisions in Franklin v.Gwinnet County Public Schools (1991)and Ledbetter v.Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.(2007).

On May 02, 2024

There are four components to this question.
a.Equal Rights Amendment: This proposed amendment stated that "equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." The amendment easily passed Congress in 1972 and won quick approval in many state legislatures,but it fell three states short of the 38 needed to ratify it by the 1982 deadline.
b.Title IX of the 1972 Education Act: This law forbade gender discrimination in education and has made progress in creating equality in men's and women's college athletic programs.
c.Franklin v.Gwinnet County Public Schools: The Supreme Court ruled that monetary damages could be awarded for gender discrimination,opening the door for more legal action in the area of education.The greatest impact has been in the areas of sexual harassment and in equal treatment of women's athletic programs.
d.Ledbetter v.Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.: This case involved a woman supervisor named Lily Ledbetter,who learned late in her career that she was being paid up to 40 percent less than male supervisors,including those with less seniority.Ledbetter filed a grievance with the EEOC,charging sex discrimination.The Supreme Court denied her claim,ruling that according to the law,workers must file their grievance 180 days after the discrimination occurs.