


What is incorporation?

On Jul 12, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Incorporation is the doctrine that the Supreme Court used to apply the Bill of Rights to the states under the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause.


What role does the Central Intelligence Agency play?

On Jul 02, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the chief government intelligence-gathering agency, has two primary functions: espionage and covert action.


In the United States,the right to private property is

A) explicitly stated in Article I of the Constitution.
B) explicitly stated in Article II of the Constitution.
C) explicitly mentioned in the First Amendment.
D) not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.

On Jun 09, 2024



Why is Marbury v.Madison (1803) an important case?

A) In this case,the justices recognized the authority of Congress to regulate the economy
Of the United States.
B) In this case,the justices nationalized the Bill of Rights.
C) In this case,the justices authorized the Supreme Court to exercise judicial review over
Laws passed by Congress.
D) In this case,the justices declared the secession of the Confederate states to be in
Violation of the Constitution.

On Jun 02, 2024



How important is the national party convention in current American politics?

On May 10, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Generally, it has decreased in importance for voters, although many people tuned in to watch the 2008 conventions.They used to include dramatic disputes over the most important issues of the day, and were covered entirely by three major networks.Now, it carries less importance for the average person because the event is scripted by party operatives to showcase the new presidential and vice-presidential nominees.Delegates, supposedly elected to represent the views of voters, are there less to discuss than to ratify choices and cheer for the nominee.Conventions are also vehicles for big donors, corporations, and economic sectors to influence the parties and their officeholders.Live coverage is slimmer now as well.


By the time of the Iraq invasion in March 2003,the American public was

A) overwhelmingly opposed to the war,with only 5 percent of Americans endorsing the Bush administration's policy.
B) deeply divided on the war,with 50 percent of Americans endorsing and 50 percent of Americans opposing the Bush administration's policy.
C) strongly supportive of the war,with 70 percent of Americans endorsing the Bush administration's policy.
D) overwhelmingly supportive of the war,with almost 100 percent of Americans endorsing the Bush administration's policy.

On May 02, 2024