


Contrast the Supreme Court's pre-1937 response to cases relating to New Deal legislation with the Court's post-1937 response. Why did the Court's response change?

On Jul 20, 2024

Prior to 1937, the Supreme Court had a more conservative response to cases relating to New Deal legislation. The Court struck down several key pieces of New Deal legislation, arguing that they exceeded the federal government's authority and violated the separation of powers. This was evident in cases such as Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States and United States v. Butler.

However, after 1937, the Court's response to New Deal legislation shifted to a more liberal and deferential approach. This change in response can be attributed to several factors. One of the main reasons for the shift was President Franklin D. Roosevelt's proposal to expand the Court by adding more justices, which was seen as a threat to the Court's independence. This proposal, known as the "court-packing plan," put pressure on the Court to align with the New Deal policies to avoid being expanded.

Additionally, some of the justices who had previously opposed the New Deal legislation retired, allowing Roosevelt to appoint more sympathetic justices to the Court. This led to a shift in the Court's composition and ultimately its response to New Deal legislation.

Overall, the Court's response changed due to external pressure from the executive branch and a shift in the Court's composition, leading to a more favorable stance towards New Deal legislation.


In the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court

A) determined that Puerto Ricans and Filipinos would become U.S. citizens in 1904.
B) held that the Constitution did not fully apply to the territories acquired during the Spanish-American War.
C) determined that Puerto Ricans and Filipinos were entitled to the same rights as U.S. citizens.
D) held that the annexation of the Philippines violated the Fourteenth Amendment.
E) ruled that the Foraker Act of 1900, which declared Puerto Rico an "insular territory," was unconstitutional.

On Jul 17, 2024



The impact of the civil rights movement transcended the African-American community and also shaped the approaches of other activists. Discuss.

On Jun 20, 2024

The civil rights movement had a profound impact that extended beyond the African-American community and influenced the approaches of other activists. The movement not only brought about significant legislative and social changes for African-Americans, but it also inspired and empowered other marginalized groups to fight for their own rights.

One of the most significant impacts of the civil rights movement was its role in shaping the strategies and tactics of other social justice movements. The nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience methods employed by civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks became a model for activists in other movements, including the women's rights movement, the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and the anti-war movement. These movements adopted similar tactics to challenge systemic oppression and demand equality and justice.

Furthermore, the civil rights movement served as a catalyst for broader social and political change. The success of the movement in challenging institutionalized racism and segregation inspired other groups to organize and advocate for their own rights. The momentum and energy generated by the civil rights movement helped to create a more inclusive and diverse landscape of activism, with various groups coming together to address intersecting forms of oppression.

In addition, the civil rights movement also had a global impact, influencing movements for human rights and equality around the world. The struggle for civil rights in the United States resonated with people in other countries who were fighting against colonialism, apartheid, and other forms of oppression. The movement served as a powerful example of the potential for grassroots activism to bring about meaningful and lasting change.

In conclusion, the civil rights movement had a far-reaching impact that transcended the African-American community and influenced the approaches of other activists. Its legacy continues to inspire and inform social justice movements today, demonstrating the enduring power of collective action and the pursuit of equality and justice for all.


Which of the following caused the international community to condemn the United States?

A) Revelations of abuse and torture of prisoners by American guards at Abu Ghraib prison
B) The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan after the attacks of September 11, 2001
C) The U.S. decision to impose a constitution on Iraq without consulting with the Iraqi people
D) Revelations that the intelligence community in the United States knew that an attack on the World Trade Center was imminent, yet had done nothing to prevent it

On Jun 17, 2024



States in which region of the country were LEAST likely to have laws barring or hindering immigration by free blacks?

A) the South
B) the Northeast
C) the Midwest
D) the far West

On May 20, 2024



The German sinking of the passenger ship Lusitania was instrumental in the entry of which nation into the war?

A) the United Kingdom
B) Sweden
C) the United States
D) Italy
E) the Netherlands

On May 17, 2024