


Describe the location and functioning of the medulla, cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex.

On Jul 12, 2024

The medulla, cerebellum, thalamus, and hypothalamus are all located in the hindbrain, which is the earliest part of the brain believed to have evolved. The medulla controls essential life support functions (heartrate, breathing) and is above the spinal cord, while the thalamus serves as a relay station for sensory information. The hypothalamus is under the thalamus, and is in charge of motivation. The cerebral cortex is the surface of the brain, and covers the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the part of the brain that processes thought, vision, language, memory, and emotions.


Differentiate between the biomedical model and the biopsychosocial model.

On Jul 11, 2024

The biomedical model is the theoretical framework that guided medical advances leading to the ability to conquer a number of life-threatening diseases.The biomedical model is based on the idea that illness can be completely explained by examining problems in an organism's biological functioning.This approach leads us to focus on lower-level biological processes (e.g.,cell functioning and biochemical imbalances)rather than to examine health in a broader context that also includes psychological functioning and social influences.The biomedical model also tends to focus on disease more than on health,and it conceptualizes health quite simply as the absence of disease.
The biopsychosocial model,on the other hand,sees health as being determined by biological,psychological,and social factors.Use of the biopsychosocial model does not mean that we completely reject the biomedical model; instead,it suggests that we recognize that the biomedical model does not lead to a complete understanding of health and illness.Although it is clear that the role of biology will always be important in explaining illness,the biopsychosocial model demands that we also pay attention to psychological and social influences.Consequently,issues such as the particular meanings that patients attach to their illnesses,patients' motivation to recover (or not),patients' response styles (whether they stoically minimize symptoms rather than tending to exaggerate symptom reporting),and to what extent patients benefit from support from other people when they are ill are seen as important determinants of how people experience illness.


A visual perception track enables most people to recognize objects at nearly the same time that a visual action track enables them to avoid bumping into the objects.This best illustrates

A) sequential processing.
B) change blindness.
C) dual processing.
D) blindsight.

On Jun 12, 2024



Questions about the extent to which maladaptive habits learned in childhood can be overcome in adulthood are most directly relevant to the issue of

A) continuity or stages.
B) physical or cognitive development.
C) stability or change.
D) nature or nurture.

On Jun 11, 2024



Axons and dendrites meet at a synapse.

On May 13, 2024



In their earlier attempts to explain motivation, psychologists were inclined to attributing it to ________.

A) emotions
B) incentives
C) learned responses
D) instincts

On May 11, 2024



Which of these speech errors is LEAST likely to occur in actual conversation?

A) saying "finger" instead of "toe"
B) saying "lobster" instead of "oyster"
C) saying "coat" instead of "goat"
D) saying "aunt" instead of "uncle"

On May 10, 2024