


What event was especially influential in increasing pacifist sentiment in the United Kingdom after 1916?

A) the stalemate at Verdun and Germany's strategy of attrition
B) the decision to introduce military conscription
C) defeat in the Gallipoli campaign
D) the sinking of the Lusitania
E) reports of German atrocities in Belgium

On Jul 28, 2024



Why did World War I threaten to tear the women's suffrage movement apart?

A) A large number of activists were German-American.
B) The leadership of the suffrage movement was predominantly socialist.
C) Many of the women in leadership positions were recruited into government service.
D) Many suffragists had been associated with opposition to American involvement in the war.
E) The demands of the home front pulled women away from political activism.

On Jul 24, 2024



Which of the following was a consequence of deindustrialization?

A) Blue-collar workers were transferred by corporations into higher-paying, service-oriented positions.
B) Many blue collar workers lost their jobs in the automobile and steel industries and found that the new jobs being created were in the lower paying service sector.
C) The salaries for traditionally female jobs in the service sector of the economy rose substantially.
D) Minimum-wage and part-time jobs became more and more scarce, putting an additional burden on retirees and students.

On Jun 28, 2024



Where was George Washington able to achieve an early military victory?

A) New York
B) Trenton
C) Boston
D) Philadelphia

On Jun 24, 2024



Explain how the promise of mass consumption in Progressive America became the foundation for a new understanding of freedom, one in which people had access to the cornucopia of goods made available by modern consumption.

On May 29, 2024

The promise of mass consumption in Progressive America became the foundation for a new understanding of freedom by offering people access to a wide array of goods and products that were previously only available to the wealthy. This shift in consumer culture allowed individuals to have more choices and options in their daily lives, leading to a sense of empowerment and autonomy. The ability to purchase and consume a variety of goods became synonymous with freedom, as it represented the ability to participate in the modern economy and enjoy a higher standard of living. This new understanding of freedom was rooted in the idea that access to material wealth and consumer goods was essential for individual happiness and fulfillment. As a result, mass consumption became a symbol of progress and prosperity in American society, shaping the way people viewed their own freedoms and opportunities. Overall, the promise of mass consumption in Progressive America redefined the concept of freedom by emphasizing the importance of access to the cornucopia of goods made available by modern consumption.


Approximately how many Africans were transported across to the Americas during the era of the slave trade?

A) 230 million
B) 12.5 million
C) 3.3 million
D) 96.2 million

On May 25, 2024



During the 1930s, what was one way Franklin Roosevelt's administration approached civil liberties?

A) The Department of Justice added a Civil Liberties Unit.
B) Through HUAC, the administration cracked down on the Communist Party.
C) The president exposed communists in Hollywood.
D) The administration encouraged businesses not to hire Japanese immigrants.
E) Civil lawsuits were encouraged to protect civil liberties.

On May 21, 2024



Which 1919 event was an important turning point for the Indian nationalist movement?

A) the founding of the Indian National Congress
B) the Amritsar massacre
C) the arrest of Mahatma Gandhi for nationalist activities
D) a British ban on Indian political groups
E) the partition of India and Pakistan

On May 18, 2024