


In what areas of development do children gain competence through play?

A) Physical skills
B) Language skills
C) Social emotional skills
D) All areas of development

On Aug 07, 2024



When preparing for conferences with families who speak little English,teachers should ______.

A) avoid the use of translation apps since they often translate word-for-word and may miss some meanings
B) use bilingual translators,but brief them prior to the meeting
C) have the child act as a translator
D) avoid group conferences as translation can be very confusing

On Jul 30, 2024



Through the use of a contingency contract, Logan learned to raise his hand to ask for help from his teacher. After three weeks, the contract was discontinued. However, Logan continued to raise his hand to ask for help. What type of generalization is represented by this scenario?

A) response maintenance
B) stimulus control
C) response generalization
D) stimulus generalization

On Jul 07, 2024



What does inhibit and enable contacts mean?

On Jul 05, 2024

More often than not, when normally closed control contacts under the operation of a coil are used in the ladder rung logic, their purpose is to prevent two operations from happening at the same time.Because of this, normally closed contact devices on ladder rungs are sometimes called inhibit contacts or devices, because the action of one operation inhibits some other operation from acting simultaneously.Likewise, more often than not, when normally open control contacts under the operation of a coil are used in the ladder rung logic, their purpose is to enable some other operation to happen at the same time.Because of this, normally open contact devices on ladder rungs and are sometimes called enable contacts, because the action of one operation enables some other operation to act simultaneously.


If a patient's death represents a failure to a physician, how can medical schools assist in creating an attitude of acceptance of death as the final stage of growth?

On Jul 03, 2024

Medical schools can assist in creating an attitude of acceptance of death as the final stage of growth by incorporating comprehensive end-of-life care training into their curriculum. This training should include education on the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of death and dying, as well as communication skills for discussing end-of-life care with patients and their families. Additionally, medical schools can provide opportunities for students to gain practical experience in hospice and palliative care settings, where they can learn firsthand about providing comfort and support to patients at the end of life. By normalizing conversations about death and equipping future physicians with the skills and knowledge to provide compassionate end-of-life care, medical schools can help shift the perspective from viewing a patient's death as a failure to recognizing it as a natural and inevitable part of the human experience.


When Jordan stepped off the school bus on his first day of kindergarten,all he had with him was his jacket and some school forms signed by his mother.Ms.Reese,Jordan's teacher,believes that if Jordan's mother,Tina,would not show up on the first day of school,she probably will not ever show up at the school.Which term best describes Ms.Reese's assumption about Tina's family engagement?

B) parental disinterest
C) cultural responsiveness
D) dominant cultural perspective

On Jul 01, 2024



Homework has historically been a controversial topic in the United States.Which 1900 publication illustrated this controversy?

A) A TIME magazine cover headline,Too Much Homework,reflected the decreased emphasis on homework due to the Industrial Revolution.
B) A research study published by The Harvard Educational Review correlated the push for more rigorous academic standards with increased amounts of homework.
C) An advertisement for the Museum of Modern Art compared paintings of children working in coalmines with pictures of children toiling over their homework
D) An article in Ladies Home Journal proposed that homework was destroying family life,which lead the state of California to ban homework for students under the age of 15.

On Jun 29, 2024



Which of the following steps is NOT part of the process of conducting a usability test in a lab setting?

A) staffing the test team
B) preparing test materials
C) preparing for a site visit
D) selecting participants

On Jun 07, 2024



The book Choosing a Vocation argued for what approach to selecting work?

A) a spiritual approach
B) a family-centered approach
C) a scientific approach
D) the use of higher education

On Jun 04, 2024



Which of the following statements concerning death-related behavior of the Puritans is false ?

A) Puritans felt an awareness of death could improve the quality of life.
B) Puritans encouraged each other to fear death.
C) It was customary for Puritans to embalm the body before the burial.
D) Puritans felt that death was a living part of the American experience.

On Jun 03, 2024