


One of the problems between the U.S. and Great Britain in the early 1800s involved which of the following issues?

A) The British impressments of U.S. seamen.
B) The U.S. was capturing British slave ships.
C) The U.S. would not allow the British to trade in the U.S.
D) The British refused to recognize the right of the U.S. to trade internationally.

On Jul 07, 2024



How did World War I limit constitutional freedoms in the United States?

On Jul 04, 2024

series of laws allowed the federal government to fine, jail, and even deport critics


Under the bracero program

A) Mexican immigrants were denied entry to the United States.
B) Mexican immigrants were eligible for citizenship.
C) Mexicans immigrated without the right of citizenship.
D) Indians were encouraged to leave their reservations.
E) marriages between Mexicans and Americans were banned.

On Jun 07, 2024



Examine the social, political, and economic impact of the Civil War on the North and its people.

On Jun 03, 2024

The Civil War had a significant impact on the North and its people, both socially, politically, and economically.

Socially, the war led to a significant loss of life and a deep sense of division within the country. Families were torn apart as men went off to fight, and the war brought about a new level of suffering and hardship for many people in the North. The war also brought about a greater awareness of the issue of slavery and the need for social change, leading to increased activism and support for the abolitionist movement.

Politically, the Civil War had a profound impact on the North. The war led to the expansion of federal power and the centralization of government authority, as the Union government took on new powers to fund and manage the war effort. The war also led to the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation and the eventual passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which abolished slavery and granted citizenship and voting rights to African Americans. These political changes had a lasting impact on the North and the entire country.

Economically, the Civil War had both positive and negative effects on the North. On one hand, the war led to a boom in industrial production as factories and businesses worked to supply the Union army with weapons, uniforms, and other supplies. This economic growth helped to fuel the North's industrialization and urbanization. On the other hand, the war also led to inflation, increased government debt, and economic hardship for many people in the North, as the cost of living rose and resources became scarce.

Overall, the Civil War had a profound and lasting impact on the North and its people, shaping the social, political, and economic landscape of the region for years to come.


The common belief of slaves in spirits is linked to the:

A) Muslim concept of the afterlife
B) Stories told by masters to frighten slaves into submission
C) African concept of the living dead
D) Idea that God would deliver the slaves from bondage

On Jun 02, 2024



In general, the constitutional issues decided by the Marshall Supreme Court

A) gave Congress broader powers under the Constitution.
B) limited the powers of Congress.
C) hindered the ability of businesses to expand.
D) curtailed individual freedoms.

On May 08, 2024



The men who led the Revolution from start to finish were, by and large, members of the American elite.

On May 06, 2024



What led to the calling of the Annapolis Conference?

A) The inability of the Confederation Congress to establish and implement a national trade policy
B) Problems with the Northwest Native Americans
C) Conflicting land claims among the states
D) The need to suppress popular uprisings in several states

On May 04, 2024



Which of the following statements about southern blacks' contribution to the Confederate military effort is LEAST accurate?

A) Even from the beginning of the war,a few local southern authorities allowed blacks to serve in the military.
B) In some instances,free blacks formed their own companies and offered their service to the Confederacy.
C) Many white southerners opposed enlisting black men into the military not only because they feared armed rebellion but also because enlistment would imply equality.
D) Although some states considered enlisting free blacks,none went so far as to propose arming slaves.

On May 03, 2024



What was ironic about the actions of some fundamentalist preachers?

A) Some embraced communism, which criticized organized religion.
B) Some preachers advocated going to the movies on Sundays instead of church.
C) They gave sermons that portrayed Jesus as a corporate leader.
D) They contradicted their anti-modernist message by using radio broadcasting.
E) Some mistakenly defended evolution.

On May 03, 2024