


Participating in nonprofit programs is an example of exhibiting social responsibility.

On Jul 13, 2024



Social media's rapid adoption can be explained by ______.

A) mobile tablets
B) social network theory
C) the telegraph
D) network media theory

On Jul 11, 2024



In addition to significantly expanding Humana's health coverage in Mississippi,how did its Campaign for a Healthy Mississippi benefit the company itself?

On Jun 13, 2024

This campaign helped to position Humana as responsive to the community,which enhanced the company's overall reputation.Furthermore,by working closely with national,state,and local politicians and officials,Humana created strong governmental connections at each level,which may prove useful in the future.


Discuss an efficacy research project you may develop for a helping profession (please include the necessary components of efficacy research in your response).

On Jun 11, 2024

As a helping professional, I may develop an efficacy research project to evaluate the effectiveness of a new counseling intervention for individuals struggling with anxiety. The necessary components of efficacy research for this project would include:

1. Research Question: The research question would focus on the effectiveness of the new counseling intervention in reducing anxiety symptoms in clients.

2. Hypothesis: A clear hypothesis would be developed, stating the expected outcomes of the counseling intervention on anxiety symptoms.

3. Control Group: A control group would be necessary to compare the effectiveness of the new intervention with standard treatment or no treatment at all.

4. Randomization: Participants would be randomly assigned to either the experimental group receiving the new counseling intervention or the control group.

5. Outcome Measures: Objective measures of anxiety symptoms, such as standardized anxiety scales, would be used to assess the effectiveness of the intervention.

6. Data Collection: Data on anxiety symptoms would be collected before the intervention, immediately after, and at follow-up intervals to track the long-term effects.

7. Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis would be conducted to compare the outcomes of the experimental and control groups and determine the effectiveness of the new intervention.

8. Ethical Considerations: The research project would adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring the well-being and confidentiality of the participants.

9. Peer Review: The research findings would be subject to peer review to ensure the validity and reliability of the results.

By including these necessary components of efficacy research, the project would provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the new counseling intervention for anxiety and contribute to evidence-based practice in the helping profession.


Ashe indorses an order instrument in the following manner: "Pay to Big Bank,for deposit only,Ashe." Discuss the types of indorsements and the legal implications the instrument represents.

On May 13, 2024

"For deposit only" is a restrictive indorsement and requires that the amount of the instrument be credited to the indorser's account before it is negotiated further.This indorsement is also unqualified,and Ashe makes all the warranties of an indorser if he receives consideration.


Which of the following would be the most convincing evidence of a partnership?

A) An agreement to share in the management of a business.
B) Agreements to share gross returns.
C) An agreement to share profits and losses.
D) An agreement to pay a firm manager a percentage of the profits for his salary.

On May 12, 2024